[Advaita-l] athma is mere function of the brain [was: concept of soul]
Jaldhar H. Vyas
jaldhar at braincells.com
Fri Oct 12 22:49:13 CDT 2007
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007, Sethu Sethuraman wrote:
> The skeptics' two favourite questions are: if
> athma is in fact a potent power, how come it needs the body to function?
> In other words is there anything at all a soul can actually do by
> itself?
It is the jiva that needs the body to function. The whole point of
Vedanta is to free the atma from needing the body!
And that atma is not a limited created entity but all-pervading Brahman.
> The second question is "it's only a matter of time before a
> fully functional human is created entirely in the laboratory - be it
> from harvested genetic material no less. Assuming this is a complete
> life-form that can function like any healthy human on earth, where did
> it get its "life" from, if not from the brain?"
Why does it matter? A rock or piece of metal is as much Brahman as you or
I except it lacks consciousness so it cannot know this. If perchance it
could develop consciousness and understand non-duality then it could
achieve moksha just like you or I.
This is incidentally why I like to leave the word atma untranslated.
"Soul" has too many connotations which confuse the issue.
Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at braincells.com>
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