[Advaita-l] Methodology of performing Vedic rituals (fwd)

Jaldhar H. Vyas jaldhar at braincells.com
Tue Nov 11 00:17:45 CST 2008

Ram ram

Sub:Apasthamiya Srauta Prayogam Vol I from Agnihothra to Agnistoma 
Compiled by Sri MS Aswathanarayana Avadhani.Published by Shruthi Shankara 
Samskrita Samsodhana Pratishtanam,Mattur,Shimoga Pin code:577 203. 
(email:shruthishankara at yahoo.co.in)

I am glad to inform the Vedantins that at the instance of HH 
GnanaprasoonanandaSaraswati (Formerly Sri Thyagarajan of Bombay) the first 
volume of documented book on Srauta Prayogam in Sanskrit has been released 
and reviewed by The Hindu under the following link;


The last para of the review is relevant to be reproduced here: quote The 
editor deserves to be commended for this noble task of unearthing a great 
treasure of ritualistic tradition. unquote

The editor had the manuscript vetted by Dikdhithars at 
Kumbakonam,Musiri,Andhraand Karnataka with reference to procedure adopted 
by different people before releasing the book.This is the first volume and 
four more volumes are to be released.Interested persons may send their 
donation to Mattur or remit to Corporation Bank wherein the Prathishtanam 
is having account.

The book is available at Jayalakshmi Indological Book House Chennai 
(Phone:24990539 email JIBH_RKC at hotmail.com)priced at Rs 400 plus packing 
and forwarding charges extra.

K Sundararaman
sundararaman_k at dataone.in

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