[Advaita-l] Pratyavaaya paapam
Jaldhar H. Vyas
jaldhar at braincells.com
Thu Oct 30 01:02:10 CDT 2008
On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, Ramanathan P wrote:
> Thank you for this detailed reply. I would like to ask one more thing in
> this regard, for clarity. Brahmanas I understand are instructed by
> certain shastras as not to leave their birth-place (or Bharatha?), are
> not to accumulate wealth, not to work in 'other jobs' unless absolutely
> necessary, are to represent the culture by wearing panchakachha for
> grihasthas (right saree for stris), etc. It seems there are many such
> things that are also part of the varna dharma, that reflect the
> lifestyle and the Brahmana's role as preserver of Vedic culture in
> society. Are these elements also included in this discussion of
> pratyavaaya paapam and related, that orthodox Brahmanas who live or work
> in foreign countries and go around wearing pant/shirt without vibuthi,
> etc. consider seriously as things to correct? Ramanathan
My observation is that those who consider themselves faithful to tradition
try to do as much as they can to replicate the environment of
India however even those who hold a higher level of stringency for
themselves do recognize that there are options and do not criticize laxity
in minor details.
An aside on saris. My parents immigrated to the UK where I was born and
then to the US where they and I now reside. For many years my mother was
a schoolteacher and wore a sari to work whenever possible. This impressed
me more than a thousand lectures on "our glorious heritage" that our
culture was nothing to be embarrased about and could be followed even in a
foreign land. If I am an astika today, it is because of such seemingly
small gestures.
But note I said "whenever possible" I too have been known to wear pitambara
etc. to work too but clothes made for balmy Indian climes are simply
impractical for more northerly countries. Actually even in parts of
Northern India you cannot dress the same way as in, say, TN. So this
seems to be an area where shastras prescribe an ideal but Dharma in
practice seems to grant more leeway to personal judgement and forgives
deviation from the ideal as an unfortunate but unavoidable circumstance.
Or take another example, crossing the waters. History shows that
Brahmanas did migrate to other lands. However the trend became
increasingly towards disallowing it. By 1857 the resentment of the sepoys
towards the prospect of being sent overseas was a big factor in their
rebellion. Later the historical trend turned again. An example is when
Gandhiji decided to study in England. As related in his autobiography, he
was outcasted by his Modh Vaishya community for this and the arguments pro
and con are interesting to note. The people who prompted the action felt
that by going to a foreign country, one would not be able to maintain
vegetarianism and standards of purity. (And they were quite right to be
skeptical judging by the typical conduct of the "modern" youth who
returned from there.) Gandhiji replies with the solemn promise he had
made to his mother to refrain from meat and liquor and that the learned
Brahmana advisor of the family had approved of the venture and eventually
his view won out. Nowadays as you know there are many quite orthodox
people who live outside of Bharat though it must be acknowledged that the
Shankaracharyas amongst others still preach against it.
So what does this mean for the progress of Dharma in general and this
question in particular? There is a lot in Dharma which is settled. (No
shastra suggests Brahmanas should not wear yajnopavita for instance.)
However there are issues on the edge which are in flux and where men of
piety and sincerity can agree to disagree. The goal of the karmayogi
should be to do his duty with diligence. Bhagavan promises us that if we
but offer a flower or some water with the correct bhava, He will will
accept it. This not an invitation to stop trying to get things right but
assurance that irregularities, if committed without malice, will be sorted
out in the end.
Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at braincells.com>
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