[Advaita-l] Ref request for somnath

Sarma KV sarmakv at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 08:44:54 CDT 2009

Dr. Yadu,

Just wanted to answer about paraSuraama.

paraSuraama was the only brahmin who did what you said. It is more symbolic
than factual. paraSuraama avataara was for "corrective" purpose. It is a one
time deed and He or anyone else advised any braahmaNa or others to "follow"
him in the kshatriya-obliteration.

More, later.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Dr. Yadu Moharir <ymoharir at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Namaste:
> after all, who destroyed kshtriiya's ?  Was it not parashuraam who vowed to
> destroy kshtria for not just once but 21 times !!?
> When are we going to take the responsibility and call spade a spade and
> admit that our ancestor were napu~saka could not defend their own territory,
> family and now Sanskrit language, which is being studied by Western scholars
> more systematically than in India.  When are we going to wake up and accept
> our inadequacy's & deficiencies.  Remember we cannot charge what we cannot
> acknowledge.  However,, if one prefer to hide behind smapradaaya that
> is their individual choice and that cannot be beneficial to larger society.
> All of our sages, including Acharys left their individual smsaara and
> created a larger smasaara for the benefit of all Indians. That is practicing
> "advaita" not just discussing it.  Just discussing "ghaTa and ghaTaakaaSha
> and mR^ittaka" or "suvarNa and its jewelery" is just from the saadhaka point
> of view but soon that needs to change in to it's utility the real
> purpose.  After ghata realizing that it is mR^ittkaa should that ghaTa
> commit suicide and recognize it's utility for a larger purpose of storage
> for it's users ? Can a gold bar be used as a jewelery by a lady to
> accentuate her beauty ?
> May be you do not have a desire to think of application of out traditions
> and about its implication to larger mases but that is your choice. Acharys
> gave us the most elegant scientific tool of "neti - neti" for evaluating the
> truth but when are we going to use it ?
> Regards,
> Dr. Yadu
> /09, Satish Arigela <satisharigela at yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Satish Arigela <satisharigela at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] Ref request for somnath
> To: "A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta" <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
> Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 10:12 PM
> So the blame is shifted to kShatriya's now. :)
> Rgds
> sa.
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