[Advaita-l] Gosamrakshanam
Sarma KV
sarmakv at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 08:10:19 CST 2010
We "need not" call ourselves '*vegetarians*.' It is a western term. We have
our own Indian term, *saatvikaahaari* - one who lives on *saatvik* food.
(Cow) Milk is *saatvik* food.
What you mentioned about the treatment meted out to cows is unfortunately
true. Instead of shunning milk, let us work with some great organizations
which are truly doing gO-sEva.
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Vidyasankar Sundaresan <
svidyasankar at hotmail.com> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------
> > Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 16:21:38 -0800
> > From: krismanian at gmail.com
> > To: advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
> > Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] Gosamrakshanam
> >
> > >Hare Krishna. Sankara Mutts are well known for protecting cows. I would
> > like
> > >to know references to cow protection in sruti, smrti and works of
> advaita
> > >acharyas please. This is for a project to launch ahimsa milk in London
> and
> > >Chennai. Any help is much appreciated
> >
> > "ahimsa milk" is a myth in this day and age. A Cow is impregnated solely
> for
> > producing milk for human consumption and is fed all kinds of stuff to
> make
> > milk production higher and higer like a machine. It happens in India as
> well
> > as the rest of the world.
> In this connection, see the following article by Sri Satish Karandikar,
> a resident of New Jersey, USA.
> http://www.svbf.org/journal/vol11/GoVegan.pdf
> http://www.svbf.org/svbf_journal.php
> In a general sense, however, I would caution against blanket condemnation
> of all such ventures as described above. The domestication of the cow was
> historically meant only to serve human purposes, but in the contemporary,
> highly industrialized society that we live in, we have moved away from
> all standards of humane treatment of cattle. If you live in a city and are
> buying milk from a supermarket, yes, you are contributing to the cycle of
> himsA. But there are quite a few projects around the world, which have
> been designed to be sanctuaries for cows and other domesticated animals.
> You could always make a conscious decision only to use milk obtained with
> the least amount of himsA.
> Regards,
> Vidyasankar
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