[Advaita-l] शांकरभाष्ये गौतममण्डनम्

Raghav Kumar raghavkumar00 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 12:17:52 CDT 2011

Thank you for the reference -
My question had a typo - i correct it - it should have read
apratiShiddham  instead of vipratiShiddham - the latter is a wrong
word, which gives an opposite meaning.
The right sentence is -
"paramatam apratiShiddam anumatam bhavati"

>> My question: Is there any traceable source of the aphorism, "paramata
>> vipratiShiddam anumatam bhavati" ?
> tasminn eva SAnkarabhAshye, "pancavRttir manovad vyapadiSyata" ityatra
> (sUtra 2.4.12) vAyukriyAdhikaraNasya vyAkhyAne paSyatAm. prANasya tu
> pancavRttayas sarvatra prasiddhAH - prANApAnavyAnodAnasamAnA iti.
> tathApi sUtrakArAH "manovad" iti vadanti. tasmAn manasaH pancavRttayo
> vyAkhyAtavyA iti bhagavatpAdAH yogasUtram (1.6) udAharanti, "pramANa
> viparyaya vikalpa nidrA smRtaya" iti.
> kathaM vedAnta-darSanasya prasthAna-granthe paramatasya pratyuktasya
> yogaSAstrasya sUtram udAhRtam? asya kAraNaM bhAshyakRdbhir evoktam
> - "paramatam apratishiddam anumataM bhavatIti nyAyAd" iti.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> See sUtrabhAshya 2.4.12, under the sUtra "pancavRttir manovad vyapadiSyate",
> where the five forms of prANa (prANa, apAna, vyAna, udAna and samAna)
> are mentioned and compared to the five forms of the mind (manovat). Now,
> although the five forms of prAna are well-known from all sources, the sUtra
> specifically says "manovat" and invites a comment on the five forms of the
> mind. To explain this term, Sankara bhagavatpAda refers to the yogasUtra
> 1.6 where pramANa, viparyaya, vikalpa, nidrA and smRti are listed as the
> five vRttis of the mind. One could ask why should the commentary make a
> reference to a sUtra from a different darSana which has already been taken
> for consideration and set aside earlier (as in the sUtra, etena yogaH praty-
> uktaH - brahmasUtra 2.1.3). The reason is provided in the commentary
> itself, by quoting the rule that what is not refuted in a different school of
> thought is indeed acceptable.
> Regards,
> Vidyasankar
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