[Advaita-l] mleccha-s not eligible to take Hinduism??

Kathirasan K brahmasatyam at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 02:17:30 CDT 2012


Manu says:

2.238. He who possesses faith may receive pure learning even from a man of
lower caste, the highest law even from the lowest, and an excellent wife
even from a base family.

2.239. Even from poison nectar may be taken, even from a child good advice,
even from a foe (a lesson in) good conduct, and even from an impure
(substance) gold.

2.240. Excellent wives, learning, (the knowledge of) the law, (the rules
of) purity, good advice, and various arts may be acquired from anybody.

2.241. It is prescribed that in times of distress (a student) may learn
(the Veda) from one who is not a Brahmana; and that he shall walk behind
and serve (such a) teacher, as long as the instruction lasts.

On 27 June 2012 15:12, amith vikram <vikram.amith at gmail.com> wrote:

> 'In kaliyuga the shudras will teach the brahmanas'
> I hope my bit on this will not discourage anyone. It is a fact that only a
> tiny portion of the vaidik sampradaya is in practise today. Today's
> relegion is eating at McDonalds, watching TV, researching on the internet,
> aspiring to buy an apartment or a car and so on. Sampradaya and samskara
> lies in practise. To that extent, it is hard to find a brahmana who could
> practise solely the vaidik sampradaya. As far as shudras are concerned,
> they can't become or follow a brahmana. I am not saying this but the
> shastras. It is clearly stated in the bhagavad gita - one should do his
> karma according to his birth even though it has flaws -  never should he
> move away from his karma - That said, in the same gita it is also said -
> Moksha can be attained even by shudras and women -
> I can cite a very good example of an american, franklin merell wolf who
> achieved the highest goal any brahmana can achieve without converting,
> without chanting any verses, just by shravana, manana and nidhidhyasa. In
> contrast I see many white folks dressed in orange robes in some of the
> supposed ashrams chanting mantras which sound ridiculous. It's not just the
> question of western people, even in india, these days women want to do
> everything that men do. I think in talkad, near mysore, there are priests
> who are shudras.
> Even for a brahmana there are like thousands of injunctions - should only
> sit facing certain directions, should get up at certain times, should wear
> certain type of clothes, etc. Honouring the words of elders is also a part
> of sat-sampradaya. Some people are of the opinion that when a person says -
> this should not be done- they are actually discriminating and they are
> branded as fundamentalists, arrogants, ignorants. When a father scolds his
> child is he being rude or has the best interest of the child? Some people
> cite the examples of jabala and valmiki. Let me cite another instance in
> history - Rama punished the shudras severely for studying the vedas. And
> both jabala and valmiki were actually brahmanas. In future I suppose veda
> vyasa will be considered as shudra by scholars.
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