[Advaita-l] Narayanaya in Advaita

Venkata sriram P venkatasriramp at yahoo.in
Mon Feb 3 07:23:06 CST 2014

Namaste Sri.Subbuji,

Therefore 'nArAyanNa' is the Supreme AtmA and 
not the relative deity with a specific form

The same interpretations can also be given to gaNapati, sUrya,
shiva etc.

I have a advaita bhASya to gaNapati-atharvashIrsha that
equates gaNapati with adhiSTAna tattva of jagat .  This
beautiful bhASya gives a beautiful interpretation to several
mantrAs like:

1) tvamEva pratyakSaM tat tvaM asi
2) tvamEva kEvalaM dhartAsi
3) tvamEva kEvalaM hartAsi
4) tvamEva sarvaM khalvidaM brahmAsi
5) tvaM sAkSAt AtmAsi nityaM

The nara-bhAga is nara; the gaja-bhAga is nArAyaNa;
the gaNapati is ubhayAtmaka.

The "nara' bhAga of gaNapati is lakshyArtha of "tvam"
the "gaja" bhAga of gaNapati is the lashyArtha of "tat".

The union or the joint of "gaja mukha" and "nara-dEha"
is "tat tvaM asi" mahAvAkya swarUpa.

Further the this bhASya says:

nArAyaNOpaniSadi nArAyaNa nAma artha pratipAdanE
nArAt jAtA nArAH tA EvAyanaM yasya iti nArAyaNaH - praNavamayatvAt
praNavOpAsaka sanyAsinAM nArAyaNa sanjnAtmakatvAt


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