[Advaita-l] pariNAma and vivarta

Durga Janaswamy janaswamy2001 at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 7 16:10:38 CDT 2015

Hari Om,

परिणाम and विवर्त
pariNAma and vivarta

I heard one sloka
अतात्त्विको अन्यथा भाव  विवर्त उदिरित
तात्त्विको अन्यथा भाव परिणाम

atAttviko anyathA bhAva  vivarta udirita
tAttviko anyathA bhAva pariNAma

I could not grasp the words accurately. Please give me the correct sloka.
Please also explain the meaning of the sloka as per Advaita Vendata.

Thank you and regards
-- durga prasad 		 	   		  

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