[Advaita-l] Brain structure and Memorization

Ajith Srinivas ajithpolo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 08:36:02 CDT 2015


Came across a similar topic from other group.

Courtesy: Dr.James Hartzell
Dear all,

Herewith a link to the published (in Neuroimage, open access),
peer-reviewed study we did of the brain structure of Delhi-area, qualified
Yajurveda Pandits from government Vedic schools.  I hope this may be of
some interest and/or use to some members of the list.


We found very large changes in the grey matter (neuronal tissue) of the
Yajurveda Pandits' brains.  The evidence we found strongly suggests that
7-10 years of intensive, professional-level training in memorizing and
reciting the Yajurveda Samhita (and related texts) is associated with some
of the largest changes in brain structure ever reported for a
cross-sectional study (i.e. one that compares two closely matched groups,
here two groups that differ primarily in the Yajurveda training).

Article Title:  Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical
differences in language, memory and visual systems

Authors:  James F. Hartzell,  Ben Davis, David Melcher, Gabriele Miceli,
Jorge Jovicich, Tanmay Nath, Nandini Chatterjee Singh, Uri Hasson

•  We compared professional Sanskrit verbal memory specialists and
well-matched controls.
•  We measured cortical thickness (CT), gray matter density (GM), and
gyrification (LGI).
•  Pandits showed increases in CT and GM in lateral temporal cortices.
•  Pandits showed relative decrease in subcortical GM and occipital LGI.
•  Findings suggest brain organization supporting intensive oral


We studied a group of verbal memory specialists to determine whether
intensive oral text memory is associated with structural features of
hippocampal and lateral-temporal regions implicated in language processing.
Professional Vedic Sanskrit Pandits in India train from childhood for
around 10 years in an ancient, formalized tradition of oral Sanskrit text
memorization and recitation, mastering the exact pronunciation and
invariant content of multiple 40,000–100,000 word oral texts. We conducted
structural analysis of gray matter density, cortical thickness, local
gyrification, and white matter structure, relative to matched controls. We
found massive gray matter density and cortical thickness increases in
Pandit brains in language, memory and visual systems, including i)
bilateral lateral temporal cortices and ii) the anterior cingulate cortex
and the hippocampus, regions associated with long and short-term memory.
Differences in hippocampal morphometry matched those previously documented
for expert spatial navigators and individuals with good verbal working
memory. The findings provide unique insight into the brain organization
implementing formalized oral knowledge systems.

This is the first of two papers from my current PhD project in Cognitive
Neuroscience.  The second paper will examine in detail what preliminary
evidence suggests are extensive differences in the white matter (neuronal
axon) tracts in the Pandit brains compared to controls.

We are, by the way, actively seeking postdoctoral funding to continue the
project -- our PhD funding finishes in October 2015.  Any suggestions for
potential funding sources are most welcome (off-list), as are any questions
about the published work (either on- or off-list).


James Hartzell, PhD
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC)
The University of Trento, Italy

Thanks and Regards,

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Sunil Bhattacharjya via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Pranaams Sadaji,
> True. For a moment I remembered the very special diet Br. Up. asks the
> pregnant mother  to take if she wanted her child to learn all the four
> Vedas. That diet is, of course, forbidden in the Kali yuga.
> Regards,Sunil
>      On Sunday, August 9, 2015 10:13 PM, kuntimaddi sadananda <
> kuntimaddisada at yahoo.com> wrote:
>  Sunilji - PraNAms. These are fishing expeditions. Correlation of gross
> mater with subtle entities. They can only be proven if converse is made
> true as necessary and sufficient condition.
> Hari Om!
> Sadananda
> --------------------------------------------
> On Mon, 8/10/15, Sunil Bhattacharjya via Advaita-l <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>  Subject: [Advaita-l] Brain structure and Memorization
>  To: "Advaitin" <advaitin at yahoogroups.com>, "A. Discussion Group for
> Advaita Vedanta" <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
>  Date: Monday, August 10, 2015, 12:44 AM
>  Dear friends,
>  There is a recent paper on the above subject. Hope this will
>  be of interest. The url is : <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26188261
> >.
>  Regards,Sunil KB
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