[Advaita-l] Rig mantras referred to in the Taittiriya Upanishad?
Venkatraghavan S
agnimile at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 11:53:38 CDT 2016
Thank you for your efforts in answering the question. Please also convey my
thanks to Sri Mani Dravid Shastrigal.
On 24 Aug 2016 5:21 p.m., "V Subrahmanian" <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2016-08-24 16:12 GMT+05:30 Venkatraghavan S <agnimile at gmail.com>:
>> Thanks for the input Subbuji, So, in your view the rik is the Upanishad's
>> own, it is not quoting from elsewhere? If so, where else does it occur?
> I had a conversation with the eminent Vidwan Sri Mani Dravid Sastrigal and
> he confirmed what I had stated was in order. He gave the Pūrvamīmāmsā
> sūtra as pramāṇa:
> "तेषां ऋग् यत्रार्थवशेन पादव्यवस्था। गीतिषु सामाख्या शेषे यजुःशब्दः।।"
> (पू,मी. 2.1.35--37)
> All are mantras in the Veda. Among them the categorization is: When there
> is a definite construction of the verse, it is called 'Ṛk.' When it is in
> the mode of a song, it is called 'sāman.' The rest are called 'yajus'.
> That is why even in the Taittiriya Up. we have 'एतत् साम गायन्नास्ते
> अहमन्नमहमन्नम्...’ Even though this is not sāma veda, yet, the upanishad
> itself uses the word 'sāman' for that exclamatory proclamation of the
> Jnani, verily an outburst of his realization, in song form.
> Also, the mantra occurring in the brāhmaṇa is called 'śloka'.
> Thank you for raising the question and as a result we could get a lot of
> information.
> regards
> vs
>> The use of the word आम्नाता by the bhAshyakAra seems to indicate a quote,
>> but there could be other meanings of the word too.
>> Regards,
>> Venkatraghavan
>> 2016-08-23 19:30 GMT+01:00 V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>:
>>> 2016-08-23 20:59 GMT+05:30 Venkatraghavan S via Advaita-l <
>>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>:
>>>> Namaste all,
>>>> In studying the bhAshya to the Ananda valli of the Taittiriya
>>>> Upanishad, I
>>>> was surprised to see that the upanishad is quoting Rig mantras in
>>>> several
>>>> places.
>>>> For example, the Upanishad is said to quote from the Rig Veda in
>>>> defining
>>>> Brahman, the means to attain it and the benefit of attaining it "सत्यं
>>>> ज्ञानमनन्तं ब्रह्म । यो वेद निहितं गुहायां परमे व्योमन् । सोऽश्नुते
>>>> सर्वान्
>>>> कामान् सह । ब्रह्मणा विपश्चितेति". Shankaracharya, in providing the
>>>> commentary of तदेषा अभ्युक्ता says तत् तस्मिन्नेव
>>>> ब्राह्मणवाक्योक्तार्थे
>>>> एषा ऋक् अभ्युक्ता आम्नाता.
>>>> I also understand that whenever the Upanishad says तदप्येष श्लोको भवति -
>>>> the sloka refers to a rig mantra.
>>>> Has anyone traced these quotations to any existing mantras in Rig Veda?
>>>> If
>>>> so, please can you provide the reference.
>>> Namaste
>>> Actually those mantras are not from the Rg veda per se. Ṛk is also a
>>> generic term to denote a mantra with a certain pāda, akṣara. If you give
>>> 'ऋचा’ in the search in the Advaitashāradā resource, you will get several
>>> results with the words 'ऋचा मन्त्रेण’. You will see Shankara using this
>>> word 'Ṛk' in the context of Chandogya, Mundaka, etc. which are all not Rg
>>> veda upanishads. So, Rk is simply mantra with a definite pāda akṣara
>>> construct.
>>> Mundaka 3.2.10:
>>> तदेतदृचाभ्युक्तम् —
>>> क्रियावन्तः श्रोत्रिया ब्रह्मनिष्ठाः स्वयं जुह्वत एकर्षिं श्रद्धयन्तः ।
>>> तेषामेवैतां ब्रह्मविद्यां वदेत शिरोव्रतं विधिवद्यैस्तु चीर्णम् ॥ १० ॥
>>> The word shloka too refers to a mantra : तस्यैव दृढीकरणाय मन्त्र
>>> उदाह्रियते श्लोकशब्दवाच्यः —BUB 4.4.6/7.
>>> Here we have a demonstration by the Upanishad itself: Prashna 1..7:
>>> स एष वैश्वानरो विश्वरूपः प्राणोऽग्निरुदयते ।* तदेतदृचाभ्युक्तम् *॥ ७ ॥
>>> भाष्यम्
>>> स एषः अत्ता प्राणो वैश्वानरः सर्वात्मा विश्वरूपः विश्वात्मत्वाच्च प्राणः
>>> अग्निश्च स एवात्ता उदयते उद्गच्छति प्रत्यहं सर्वा दिशः आत्मसात्कुर्वन् ।
>>> तदेतत् उक्तं वस्तु ऋचा मन्त्रेणापि अभ्युक्तम् ॥
>>> विश्वरूपं हरिणं जातवेदसं परायणं ज्योतिरेकं तपन्तम् ।
>>> सहस्ररश्मिः शतधा वर्तमानः प्राणः प्रजानामुदयत्येष सूर्यः ॥ ८ ॥
>>> You can see the above Rk in a definite construct
>>> The above is my understanding. Any more inputs to correct the above are
>>> welcome.
>>> regards
>>> subrahmanian.v
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Venkatraghavan
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