[Advaita-l] Question? - Is Guru necessary?
kuntimaddi sadananda
kuntimaddisada at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 31 04:23:15 CST 2016
Shree Ramesh Ramnan- PraNAms
Thanks for providing your perspective on the subject. Yes I am aware of Bhagavan Ramanamaharshi's teachings and have taken texts - Upadesha saara and Saddharshanam as part of two-day spiritual camp and the talks on these two texts are available on line in yu-tube.
Question is posed to see the perspective of people coming from different background since in the current system of education we do not have traditional guru-kula systems and there is also mass scale teaching and mass scale on line talks available by various teachers - some coming from sampradaya and some are not.
There is also so much misinterpretation of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's teachings too - even though he has provided some important selective slokas on Geeta.
Question-answers of Bhagavan are intended to questioners who had some specific background and within in some context and should not be applicable to all as is being done by some devotees of Bhagavan. This may be a different topic altogether, perhaps should be discussed separately.
I am planning to pose some of these challenging questions to stimulate discussions so that those who are on the path have firm conviction of the goal and the means.
Hari Om!
On Sun, 1/31/16, RAMESH RAMANAN via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] Question? - Is Guru necessary?
To: "kuntimaddi sadananda" <kuntimaddisada at yahoo.com>, "A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta" <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
Date: Sunday, January 31, 2016, 4:02 AM
Dear Sadanandaji,It is
surprising that of all persons, you should be posting this
question. But let me state Sri Ramana's views on the
subject. He says that the real Guru is not apart from
one's inner Self. The outer Guru pushes the Sadhaka
inwards into the spiritual heart, while the inner Guru pulls
the sadhaka inwards. (push and pull).
My understanding of this statement of Sri
Ramana: If the sadhaka does not feel that he is being pushed
inwards towards his inner core by the external guru, then
that external person is not really fit or sufficient to be
the Guru. Similarly, if he does not feel that he has been
pulled inward, that means, his sadhanas have been
insufficient and wrongly directed. If the chosen external
guru is not sufficient, it is not wrong to change Gurus,
as Sri Balarama Reddy had asked Sri Ramana Maharishi,
whether he could change his guru, as he had accepted Sri
Aurobindo as his Guru earlier. Sri Ramana had said very
emphatically, yes, there is no problem in changing Gurus.
So, one need not cling onto a physical guru, if he is . not
fit or sufficient to be a Guru, provided that you have lived
with him and followed and tested his teachings at least for
sometime (this time concept is a major issue). The Guru Gita
also warns that a disciple of a blind fellow will also
suffer the same fate as that of a blind fellow. Hence, one
should follow only a really qualified Guru and not an unfit
book-learned master. Sri Ramana and Sri Ramakrishna could
transmit their spiritual power to their disciples. I do not
know of any of the present day Gurus who can perform such
real spiritual miracles that transforms the lives of their
disciples for ever . Sri A.R.Natarajan of RMCL, Bangalore,
has written a very very excellent book, Ramana Maharishi-The
Living Guru.
I would very
much like for you to read this book. You can find it at Giri
Trading Agency in Mumbai and other branches, if you live
outside Bangalore and if you are in Bangalore, you can look
at www.ramanacentre.com/www.ramanacentre.org phones:
080-23512639, 23514930, 23360799 Email: office at ramancentre.com
Pranams and regards, Ramesh
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