[Advaita-l] Ramopakhyana of Mahabharata vs. the Uttara Kanda of Ramayana

S Jayanarayanan sjayana at yahoo.com
Tue May 3 13:44:08 CDT 2016

Venkatesh Murthy (वेङ्कटेशः सीतारामार्यपुत्रः) vmurthy36 at gmail.com wrote:
> Namaste
> There is one reason for Uttara Kanda. In original Ramayana the ending
> is happy. But that may mislead people to think this Samsaara is very
> nice and full of happiness like in Raama Raajya. It was ideal kingdom
> with people with ideal happiness.
> But as a matter of fact there is no happiness in this world
> permanently. If there is happiness it will end someday. Therefore true
> happiness cannot be outside but inside only. To show this they have
> made even Seeta driven to forest again and Raama is experiencing
> sorrow again.
> The moral of story is -  If even great people like Raama and Seeta
> could not be permanently happy how can we ordinary people be happy in
> this Samsaara. It is an ocean of unhappiness only.
Don't take this the wrong way, but are you suggesting that Ravana should be worshipped,
because he caused so much grief to Rama and Sita?
Certainly, we understand that Samsara is an ocean, consisting of BOTH pleasure AND pain.
But when Rama, the Ruler of the Universe, has full control over His subjects, it is hard
to believe that there should be sorrow on earth, as the Ramayana itself says, describingthe Rama Rajyam:
"While Rama was ruling the kingdom, there were no widows to lament, nor there was no danger from wild animals, nor any fear born of diseases.
The world was bereft of thieves and robberies. No one felt worthless nor did old people perform obsequies concerning youngsters.
Every creature felt pleased. Every one was intent on virtue. Turning their eyes towards Rama alone, creatures did not kill one another.
While Rama was ruling the kingdom, people survived for thousands of years, with thousands of their progeny, all free of illness and grief.
While Rama ruled the kingdom, the talks of the people centered round Rama, Rama and Rama. The world became Rama's world.
The trees there were bearing flowers and fruits regularly, without any injury by pests and insects. The clouds were raining in time and the wind was delightful to the touch.
Brahmins (the priest-class), Kshatriyas (the warrior-class), Vaishyas (the class of merchants and agriculturists), Shudras (the servant-class) were performing their own duties, satisfied with their own work and bereft of any greed. While Rama was ruling, the people were intent on virtue and lived without telling lies.
All the people were endowed with excellent characteristics. All were engaged in virtue. Rama was engaged in the kingship thus for one thousand years."
Venkata sriram P venkatasriramp at yahoo.in wrote:
> Namaste,
> There were 3 culprits who raised this controversy namely 
> 1) Prof.Weber 2) Prof. Lasen 3) Prof.Keith
I have no idea about the controversies they raised. My sole reason for this particular thread
on Ramopakhyana is to question the dating of the Uttara Kanda -- whether or not it formed part
of the original Valmiki Ramayana, nothing else!

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