[Advaita-l] Why did Krishna said that he was unable to repeat Gita?

Shashwata Shastri shashwata.unimas at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 19:35:57 CDT 2016

Pranam Jayanarayanan,

I have already read the Anugita parva. But that does not clear my doubt.
One who is entitled with the remark- "Krishnantu bhagwan svayam", has
forgotten Gita?

Best Regards

Shashwata Chowdhury

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 12:01 AM, S Jayanarayanan via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m14/m14016.htm
> (Anugita Parva)
> Vaisampayana said, "The son of Pritha (Arjuna), having recovered his own
> kingdom, joyously
> spent his time, without doing anything else, in the company of Krishna,
> his heart filled with delight,
> in that palace of celestial beauty. One day, those two listlessly
> proceeded to a particular part of the
> palace that looked, O king, like a veritable portion of Heaven. Themselves
> filled with delight, they
> were then surrounded by their relatives and attendents. Pandu's son,
> Arjuna, filled with joy in the
> company of Krishna, surveyed that delightful mansion, and then addressed
> his companion, saying,
> 'O – mighty-armed one, thy greatness became known to me upon the approach
> of the battle. O son
> of Devaki, thy form also, as the Lord of the universe, then became known
> to me! What thy holy self
> said unto me at that time, O Kesava, through affection, has all been
> forgotten by me, O chief of
> men, in consequence of the fickleness of my mind. Repeatedly, however,
> have I been curious on the
> subject of those truths. Thou again, O Madhava, wilt repair to Dwaraka
> soon.'
> Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed by him, Krishna of mighty energy,
> that foremost of
> speakers, embraced Phalguna and replied unto him as follows.
> 'Vasudeva said, 'I made thee listen to truths that are regarded as
> mysteries. I imparted to thee truths
> that are eternal. Verily, I discoursed to thee on Religion in its true
> form and on all the eternal regions.
> It is exceedingly disagreeable to me to learn that thou didst not, from
> folly, receive what I
> imparted. The recollection of all that I told thee on that occasion will
> not come to me now. Without
> doubt, O son of Pandu, thou art destitute of faith and thy understanding
> is not good. It is impossible
> for me, O Dhananjaya, to repeat, in detail, all that I said on that
> occasion. That religion (about
> which I discoursed to thee then) is more than sufficient for understanding
> Brahma. I cannot discourse
> on it again in detail. I discoursed to thee on Supreme Brahma, having
> concentrated myself in
> Yoga. I shalt now, however, recite to thee an old history upon the same
> topic. O foremost of all persons,
> observant of duty, listen to everything I now say, so that, with an
> understanding adapted to my
> teaching, thou mayst succeed in attaining to the highest end. O chastiser
> of foes, on one occasion, a
> Brahmana came to us from the regions of Heaven. Of irresistible energy, he
> came from the regions
> of the Grandsire. He was duly reverenced by us. Listen. O son of Pritha,
> without yielding to scruples
> of any kind, to what he, O chief of Bharata's race, said, in answer to our
> enquiries, agreeably to
> heavenly forms.'
> ......
>       From: Shashwata Shastri via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-
> vedanta.org>
>  To: A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta <advaita-l at lists.advaita-
> vedanta.org>
>  Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 11:43 AM
>  Subject: [Advaita-l] Why did Krishna said that he was unable to repeat
> Gita?
> Namaste to all
> Shashwata Chowdhury
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