[Advaita-l] ***UNCHECKED*** Jagadguru Speaks: Means to a Peaceful Life

S Jayanarayanan sjayana at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 2 22:44:28 EST 2017

(Around the beginning of the month, a nugget of Wisdom from the Jagadguru may be posted
on the Chaturamnaya list : http://lists.advaita-vedanta.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/chaturamnaya )
Man has a peculiar disposition. He expects to attain all that his heart
desires. He seeks immediate fulfillment of all that he wishes for.
Not understanding the improbability of such outcome, he gives room
for anxiety and anger. It is indeed futile to desire gratification of all
expectations without reflecting upon matters such as karma, or the
results obtained in the right time according to karma and the Lord's
dispensation of the results.
Nothing happens outside of the ambit of cause and effect.
To understand how the wheel of time (and destiny) spins, one must
have some orientation towards adhyatmic vichara (spiritual enquiry).
One must read at least a few verses of the Bhagavad Gita everyday.
If one were to adhere to the path instructed in the Gita by the Lord,
one would be able to remain peaceful. If the blessings of the Guru are
obtained, one becomes eligible to listen to Vedanta. As sadhana
(spiritual practice) intensifies, man is able to control his senses and
the stream of desires in him. Contentment dawns only in a mind that
is in control and only such a person can lead a happy life.
This is what our forefathers have advised:
  yadRRichchhayoapapannena santuShTo vartate sukham.h .
  naasantuShTastribhirlaukairajitaatmopasaaditaiH ..
He who feels happy over what is obtained sans expectations, leads a
peaceful life. He who has not controlled his senses and his mind will not
be satisfied even if he becomes the master of all the three worlds.
Our blessings for all to understand this well.

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