[Advaita-l] Vaadiraaja Teertha's Yuktimallika - Advaita Criticism - Slokas 1-10 to 1-13
H S Chandramouli
hschandramouli at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 05:35:33 EDT 2017
Reg << The
Candala, Mleccha, Jaara, Donkey, Monkey, Randaa Putra, Vidhava Putra are
all different and not same. Paramatma is also different from them.
Therefore abusive words will be for a particular person but not to
Paramatma. >>,
Advaitic stand is that all these terms really pertain to upadhis and not to
Atman/Brahman. Due to adhyAsa, they are wrongly attributed to
On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 2:13 PM, Venkatesh Murthy via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> Namaste
> Vaadiraaja has written Yuktimallika very proudly and this work is
> considered by Madhva scholars as his very best. It is superior in all
> respects than other books like Nyayaratnavali. In this book he has put up
> his best effort in his life.
> We can now see how he is criticizing Advaita.
> In the last Sloka 1-9 he is boasting Madhva Siddhanta came at the end of
> all Brahma Sutra Bhashyas. The Bauddha and Jaina Matas were Poorva Paksha
> for Advaita, Visistadvaita and so on. Madhva's BSB is the last written
> Sutra Bhashya. No other Bhashya is there after it. Therefore Madhva's BSB
> is the final Siddhanta of all philosophies.
> अन्ते सिद्धस्तु सिद्धान्तो मध्वस्यागम एव हि ।
> निर्णेतुं शक्यते युक्तायुक्तपक्षविमर्शिभिः ॥ १-९ गुणसौरभ
> The finally proved Philosophy is the Siddhanta. This is Madhva Mata only.
> This can be decided by scholars knowing the Yukta and Ayukta of philosophy.
> अस्मादुत्तरपक्षोऽन्यो यस्मान्नद्यापि दृश्यते ।
> तस्मात् स एव सिद्धान्त इति निश्चित्य चेतसा ॥ १-१०
> अवलम्ब्य मतं सर्वोन्नतं श्रुतिपुरस्कृतम् ।
> मयेत्थं युक्तिरुचिना क्रियते युक्तिमल्लिका ॥ १-११
> There is no other Brahma Sutra Bhashya coming after Madhva's Bhashya seen
> even today. Therefore Madhva Mata is the final Siddhanta and I have decided
> this in my mind. I am depending on this excellent and superior Mata
> agreeing with the Vedas and I am writing this YUKTIMALLIKA having interest
> in Logic and Reasoning in the said manner as before.
> Response - Final Brahma Sutra Bhashya is by Madhva is not correct because
> there are others like Gaudiya Bhashya. Another point is we can say Advaita
> was the final Siddhanta and others coming later were only challenging it.
> The later Bhashyas cannot become Siddhanta simply because they came later.
> The challenge to Advaita was unsuccessful.
> Then Vaadiraaja is immediately coming to attack Advaita.
> त्वं चण्डालः पशुर्म्लेच्छः चोरो जारः खरः कपिः ।
> कुण्डो गोलक इत्याद्या या निन्दा लोकसम्मताः ।
> ताः सर्वाः सर्वजीवैक्यवादे स्युर्हि परात्मनि ॥ १-१२
> You are Candala,beast, Mleccha - flesh eating foreigner, thief,
> debaucherous person - having illegitamate sex, donkey, monkey, son of
> a prostitute, son of a widow and so on - all these abusive words used by
> people. All these abusive words are aimed at Paramatma Himself because you
> Advaiti is saying all Jeevas are not different from and same as Paramatma -
> God.
> Here the Teekakaara is giving a Sloka. Who is Kunda? Who is Golaka ? Both
> are illegitimate sons but there is a difference.
> परदारेषु जायेते तौ सुतौ कुण्डगोलकौ ।
> पत्यौ जीवति कुण्डः स्यात् मृते भर्तरि गोलकः ॥ मनुः
> Sons illegitimately born in another man's wife are Kunda and
> Golaka. Illegitimate son born to another man's wife when her husband is
> living is Kunda. Illegitimate son born to a wife of a dead man is Golaka.
> ब्रह्मैव हीनयोनीस्ताः प्राप्य स्वेनैव कर्मणा ।
> संसरेच्चेदियं सर्वा गाली कस्य गले वद ॥ १-१३
> Because of His own sinful actions Brahman is born in sinful births and He
> is caught in Samsaara cycle of birth and death. If you accept this tell me
> who is the OBJECT of all Gaalis - abusive words? In whose neck will all the
> abusive words fall?
> Response - Simple answer is Advaitis accept Loka Vyavahaara. We cannot mix
> that with Paramartha Brahman and say all Jeevas are same. Therefore your
> bank account is my bank account, your wife is my wife, your site and house
> is my site and house because we are all same. No. This is not Advaita at
> all. The Sruti has said 'Yatra hi Dvaitamiva Bhavati Tad Itara Itaram
> Pashyati'. In LokaVyavahaara there will be Dvaita and Bheda also. The
> Candala, Mleccha, Jaara, Donkey, Monkey, Randaa Putra, Vidhava Putra are
> all different and not same. Paramatma is also different from them.
> Therefore abusive words will be for a particular person but not to
> Paramatma.
> Requesting scholars to kindly respond with more details and finer points.
> Regards
> -Venkatesh
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