[Advaita-l] Who has Ajnana/Maya?

Venkatraghavan S agnimile at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 11:09:44 EDT 2017

Namaste Sri Kalyan,

Would love to continue this conversation, but I have other things going on
and we do seem to be covering the same ground, so I'd rather not repeat.

I would suggest you study / approach an advaita AchArya to seek


On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 3:00 PM, Kalyan <kalyan_kg at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear Sri Venkatraghavan
>  //Then there is no need for anyone to try for
>  moksha since no one is affected
>  by
>  misery.
>  Ultimately this is
>  true - but people incorrectly believe that they are
>  miserable, and to correct that moksha shAstra
>  is there.//
> An incorrect belief of misery is real misery. Therefore people are really
> affected by misery when they incorrectly believe they are miserable. I have
> discussed this point here -
> https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/bvparishat/KlKjUx7J9mY
>  //Why one, every single experience, which is
>  nothing but a thought, is
>  ultimately not
>  real, because it is a viShaya for sAkshi pratyaksha//
> Please provide a single example to show that thoughts are not real.
>  //No, because perception of thought does not
>  require another thought, only
>  consciousness
>  - so there is no infinite regress. It is consciousness
>  that
>  is self evident.//
> As Des Cartes says, I think, therefore I am. It is thoughts and
> perceptions that make us realize that we are a conscious entity. There is
> no consciousness in the state of dreamless sleep.
> Regards
> Kalyan

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