[Advaita-l] A few noteworthy points from the Sayana and Bhatta Bhaskara commentaries on the Sri Rudram

KAMESWARARAO MULA kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in
Tue Apr 3 05:59:24 EDT 2018

Dear Sir,                   Sri Rudram occurs in Krishna Yajur Veda inthe Samhitha of Taithireeya in the fourth and seventh chapters. This prayer toRudra has two parts-the Namakam (verses ending with Nama) and the Chamakam(Verses ending with Cha May). There are Several meanings to the word Rudra.
“Rtam (dam) Samsaara dukham draava yat iti Rudrah”.
He destroys the sorrows of the world i.e. (Rudra).
“Rodati Sarvamantakala” The one who makes one to suffer.
“Rtou Naadaante dravati – draavayateeti Rudrah. The end note of the musicalsound i.e. (Rudra).
“Rtya – Vedarupaya, dharmadinava-loka yati praayateeti vaa Rudrah”. In the formof Veda Dharma is promoted i.e. (Rudra).
“Rtya-vaagrupaya, vaakyam, prapayateeti Rudrah”. In the form of Speech, bringsout the importance of the meaning of words i.e. (Rudra).
Rtya-Pranava rupaya svatmanam prayateeti Rudrah”. In the name of pranava (OM)He makes one to realize him.
“Rudroroutiti satye rorupamaano dravati pravashati martyaaniti Rudrah”. In theform truth he enters humans.
“Rtam Sabdam Vedaatmaanam Brahmane dadati Kalpaadaaviti Rudrah”. Rudrapresented Vedas to Brahma at the Commencement of kalpa. Rudras also means thepersons created by Rudra as Sadrusha.
“Rtim Raati is responsible for the sound. He is praana Svarupa. Granter ofpraana (life).
Rudram is i.e. light Teja and Ruth who binds and attracts.
“Taam bhakte draavayati). He is even capable of driving away hat Shakti(energy) Sri Rudram called also as Satha Rudreeyam orRudra Prasnam. Namakam and Chamakam each with elevensections. While Namakam is a prayer to Rudra to forget about his avengingfierce, fearful and horrendous form and turn himself into a peaceful form anddo good to us, Chamakam on the other hand lists out the blessings to be gotfrom a prayer to Rudra and prays Him to regulate and bless our life for amoment forgetting his anger. 

Inthe first anuvaaka consisting of eleven sukthaas , Rudra is requested by thedevotee to turn his fierce exterior and not use his weapons on his devotees. Heis also requested to annihilate the sins committed by his devotees. 
This anuvaaka is chanted for all round development of the community as well asthe well-being of the chanter. It also is supposed to provide a protectiveshield against diseases, devils, monsters and so on.
In the second anuvaaka consisting of two sukthaas the Rudra is part of naturein all its glory as plants and medicinal herbs. He is requested to untie thebonds of the day-to-day life. This is chanted for destruction of enemies,possession of wealth, getting of kingdom and so on.
The third anuvaaka consisting of two sukthaas describe Rudra as a thief. Hemight have been presumed to be the stealer of ignorance from us. This anuvaakais chanted to cure diseases. 
In the fourth anuvaaka again consisting of two sukthaas, Rudra is the commonman with his deficiencies, angularities and described as the creator and workerof all kinds. This anuvaaka is supposed to cure diseases like tuberculosis,leprosy, etc.
In the fifth Anuvaaka Rudra’s consisting of two sukthaas , several aspects ofhis personality especially as God responsible for creation, preservation anddestruction is described. This is chanted to get rid of ignorance and Maya, forvictory against enemies, for begetting of a son, for avoidance of problemsduring pregnancy and for expansion of wealth.
In the sixth anuvaaka consisting of two sukthaas. Rudra is identified withchanges of his personality over demons of time and the roles he has played indifferent ages. He is described as the source of the different worlds, Shrutis(Vedas) and its essence in Vedanta. This is chanted for the same aim stated inthe fifth anuvaaka.
In the seventh anuvaaka again consisting of two sukthaas his all pervadingpresence in nature in all its fury and majesty is described. This anuvaaka ischanted for the increase of intelligence, wealth, health and longevity.

In the eighth anuvaaka, Rudra is described as He who illumines other Gods andconfers powers on them. It is told that when you do not have time to chant theRudra fully at least this eighth anuvaaka should be chanted. The Panchaksharimantra viz. “Nama Shivaaya” occurs for the first time in Vedas in thisanuvaaka. This anuvaaka is chanted for the destruction of enemies and re-possession of one’s assets.

In the ninth anuvaaka, which consists of two sukthaas and hardto live places where Rudra lives is listed out. In essence it means he is allpervasive. This anuvaaka is chanted for obtaining wealth, a good wife, goodjob, and the blessings of a son who will be devoted to Lord Shiva. 

In the tenth anuvaaka Rudra is again requested not to show his furious feargiving form and appear before the devotee in a peaceful calm form. The mantrasunlike the ones till ninth anuvaaka do not end in Nama after every description.This anuvaaka is chanted for “possession of wealth, cure of diseases, removalof fear, getting rid of the enmity of powerful people, absence of fear from allliving beings, having the vision of Bhairava (Shiva in his most fearfulaspect), absence from dangers and fears, blessings and the absolution of sins”.

In the eleventh anuvaaka consisting of eleven sukthaas, Rudra’s army called Ganaas is praised and they, wherever theyexist, are blessed to protect the devotees of Rudra. This anuvaaka is chantedfor acquiring knowledge of past, present and future.
This anuvaaka is followed by six stotras of Rudra.
The Chamakam brings out the blessings that can be got by prayer to Rudra. The reading orchanting of Rudra is said to be complete only when chamakam also is chanted.Thereare five methods of chanting Rudra viz.,
1.   Ordinary method where firstRudram is read and then Chamakam.
2.    Rudra ekadasini where afterchanting Rudram, the first anuvaaka of         Chamakam is  chanted, again after chanting Rudram thesecond anuvaaka       ofChamakam is chanted and so on till the eleventh chanting of Rudram     followedby eleventh anuvaaka of Chamakam.
3.     Eleven such Rudra ekadasinis makesone Laghu Rudram
4.     Eleven such Laghu Rudrams makesone Maha Rudram and 
5.     Eleven such Maha Rudrams make oneAthi rudram.

Sri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara


    On Sunday, 1 April 2018 12:47 PM, V Subrahmanian via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

 A few noteworthy points from the Sayana and Bhatta Bhaskara commentaries on
the Sri Rudram

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