[Advaita-l] The 'Snake-and-ladder' game - The Spiritual path

Raghav Kumar Dwivedula raghavkumar00 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 14:38:41 EDT 2018

You wrote

This point is already addressed. If buffalo can be treated as Ishwara, then
so can Allah and Christ.

 Nope. The buffalo was treated as Ishvara for a specific Adhikari who
fulfilled the followings conditions, not just everybody. You are totally
ignoring the following
1. He the student had a pre-existing  great love for the form of the buffalo
2. He was under the guidance of an accomplished advaita teacher.
3. He wanted to overcome his obsession about the Buffalo and instead wants
to dwell upon nirguNa brahman
4. The teacher *teaches about  Brahman first* and asks the student to grow
up and let go of his dualistic obsessions  which the student understands
and accepts but his emotions sometimes are still centred on his past
obsession viz., the buffalo.
5.Then alone he is asked to meditate that whenever his mind spontaneously
and obsessively thinks of  the Buffalo, then he is asked by the Guru to
direct his attention to the very adhiShtAnam the truth of even that form of
the Buffalo and thus reject the buffalo form as unreal and successfully
dwell on that nirguNa  Brahman.
In the above five points you can replace the word 'Buffalo' with any other
form which is creating an obstacle fir the student in dwelling upon
Formless Brahman.
 I am going to end this discussion here. Because your whole argument, i am
convinced, is because you felt hurt and have taken offence to the article
about the Panchadashi where its written that even the Buffalo is a valid
locus for meditation upon Brahman.

If you disagree with the Panchadashi or if you claim that the author
Vidyaranya is wrong because according to you he is saying in effect that
(these are your confused words)
 If buffalo can be treated as Ishwara, then so can Allah and Christ.
It shows your misunderstanding of the panchdashI.

Generally who are very devoted to a particular form of the Lord like
Vishnu, Krishna etc see a red rag in such advaitic ideas.


Thu 9 Aug, 2018, 11:37 PM Kalyan via Advaita-l, <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> //The word devata and their worship such as Rama etc.,  is clearly talked
> of
> in shAstra. If you claim that Allah and Jesus qualify to be called devatas
> , please show how. The onus is on you to prove Allah and Jesus can be
> called devatas as per the advaitic tradition.//
> This point is already addressed. If buffalo can be treated as Ishwara,
> then so can Allah and Christ.
> Here is a link about Sri Ramakrishna, and Christ -
> http://www.spiritualbee.com/posts/sri-ramakrishna-vision-of-jesus/
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