[Advaita-l] Jagadguru Speaks: Good Company Motivates Selfless Service
sreenivasa murthy
narayana145 at yahoo.co.in
Tue Oct 9 00:25:09 EDT 2018
Dear Sri Jayanarayanan, Under the Caption "Jagadguru Speaks" you quote only
such portions which reinforces the idea that one is an entity, that one is an individual. Why don't you present such talks by
HH Jagadguru where he has taught 'that one is not an individual,
Such teachings will help many mumukShus in this group.I thank you in anticipation.
With respectful namaskars,Sreenivasa Murthy
On Tuesday, 9 October, 2018, 7:47:27 AM IST, S Jayanarayanan via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
Happy Navaratri!
(Around the beginning of the month, a nugget of Wisdom from the Jagadguru may be posted
on the Chaturamnaya list : http://lists.advaita-vedanta.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/chaturamnaya )
It is extremely important for man to keep good company. Good
company means associating with the virtuous and noble. By such
association, one's mind gets purified and becomes more sattvik
(virtuous). One must never associate with the arrogant, the cruel
and those who are not on the Dharmic (righteous) path.
avalipteShu mUrkheShu raudrasAhasikeShu cha .
tathaivApetadharmeShu na maitrImAchared.h budhaH ..
Associating with the ignoble will only beget trouble and
extricating oneself out of it will become extremely difficult. Those
who maintain such associations will also develop wrongful
tendencies. That is why our forefathers have often praised the
greatness of noble associations, even in the form of parables.
The virtuous wish only the best for others. They strive to utilise
every opportunity to serve others.
One notable attribute is that they wish well even for those who
harm them, in the same way that a tree provides shade even to
those who cut it.
apakAradashAyAmapyupakurvanti sAdhavaH .
Chindantamapi vRRikShaH svaChAyayA kiM na rakShati ..
Our blessings for all to keep noble company and serve others
as well.
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