[Advaita-l] A nice elucidation of the Bhashya vakyam by Anandagiri

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 08:00:37 EDT 2019

In the commentary to the BG 2.10, Shankara says about Arjuna's attachment
to a variety of kith and kin:

  तथाहि — अर्जुनेन *राज्य-गुरु-पुत्र-मित्र-सुहृत्-स्वजन-सम्बन्धि-बान्धवेषु *
‘अहमेतेषाम्’ ‘ममैते’ इत्येवंप्रत्ययनिमित्तस्नेहविच्छेदादिनिमित्तौ आत्मनः
शोकमोहौ प्रदर्शितौ ‘कथं भीष्ममहं सङ्‍ख्ये’ (भ. गी. २ । ४)
इत्यादिना ।

A list of eight different types of kith and kin is stated in the bhashyam.
In the gloss Anandagiri is giving a sort of definition to each of the

राज्यं - राज्ञः कर्म परिपालनादि । Kingdom - attachment to it in the form of
duties related to the Kingdom.

पूजार्हा गुरवः - भीष्मद्रोणादयः । Guru-s, teachers such as Bhishma and

पुत्राः - स्वयमुत्पादिताः सौभद्रादयः । Sons - Born for himself such as

सम्बन्धान्तरमन्तरेण स्नेहगोचरा गुरुपुत्रप्रभृतयो मित्रशब्देनोच्यन्ते ।
Mitra - is the category of those without any other relationship, giving
rise to attachment, sneha, for example the son of the Guru, etc.

उपकारनिरपेक्षतया स्वयमुपकारिणो हृदयानुरागभाजो भगवत्प्रमुखाः सुहृदः । Suhrut
- Those who help others without expecting any return of help from them.
Attachment to such persons/entities such as Lord (Ishwara).

स्वजनाः - ज्ञातयो दुर्योधनादयः । Svajana - kinsmen - cousins such as
Duryodhana. (Daayaadi).

सम्बन्धिनः - श्वशुरस्यालप्रभृतयो द्रुपदधृष्टद्युम्नादयः । Sambandhi-s -
Father-in-law, Brother-in-law, etc. such as Drupada and DhrushTadyumna
(Draupadi's father and brother respectively).

परम्परया पितृपितामहादिष्वनुरागभाजो राजानो बान्धवाः ।  Bandhavaah - are
those with whom attachment is had are the kings who are related as father,
grandfather, etc.

Even though some of these are specific to Arjuna, most of these are there
for all people at large. With all these relationships, says the Bhashya,
one has the feeling 'These are mine' and 'I am theirs' is present. (‘
अहमेतेषाम्’ ‘ममैते’). This is in the opening words of the Gita bhashya.

As an aside, one is reminded of the opening words of the Brahma Sutra
Bhashya ...'aham idam, mama idam..' (I am this, mine is this..).

Om Tat Sat

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