[Advaita-l] Question about Sri Vidyaranya's JMV & jnani matra

KAMESWARARAO MULA kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in
Tue Mar 26 04:13:53 EDT 2019

Dear Sir,                 After reading all the discussions , we could able to reach the same conclusions. some thing we may get different views from the buddhism as here are some links to answer this in a different way:Question: In the hindu scriptures it is stated that even the jivamukta [liberated while still alive] will behave according to his prarabdha karma. Why is Bhagavan telling us that a jnani [one who is enlightened] has no prarabdha?    
   - Karma Overview
   - Buddha's Great Karma Exposition
   - Karma, Beyond-States, and Rebirths
   - More on Karma and Rebirths
Pls don't misunderstand me that we are jumping inter-religion views, the important thing what we have to believe is that he has borned in this karmic land, got enlightened & given the path for self-realization to many.
Buddhaexplains that karma really is happening, it is not an illusion; that we areresponsible for our actions; you co-decide or decide something in your life bywhat you go along with, and so on, your actions have results, good or baddepending on the quality of the intention behind the act. He is no longerdrifting aimlessly and strives to get some control over main events to come inlife. But not only karmashapes lives. Solid injustice in the world is a factor to reckon with too, aswell as new-karma-forming accidents, and so on. Don't be fooled, for beingfooled creates karmas also.
The minds of individuals are complex, generating avariety of karmic results within a single lifetime. Buddhist karma teachingpresent the present moment as being shaped both by past and by present actions,and present actions shape not only the future but also the present.Checkyour actions, before they become nasty habits and go on to watch yourself inall you are doing i.e mindfulness. In real life, if you see that other peopleare suffering and you are in a position to help, it may be an opportunity toact in the way you would like them to act toward you. The fruits of that sowingmay follow you later.
Sri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara


Question: In the hindu scriptures it is stated that even the jivamukta [liberated while still alive] will behave according to his prarabdha karma. Why is Bhagavan telling us that a jnani [one who is enlightened] has no prarabdha?

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