[Advaita-l] Advaithic Question on the Nature of MAYA and Illusory nature of Reality

Bhaskara v Advaith sunshines.bhaskara at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 10:05:14 EDT 2020


The yoga sutra says “yoga chitta vritti nirodhah” means the goal of yoga is
to make mind free of chitta (mind) vritti.
Even Vedanta says when mind is still, through the still mind the Brahman
shines. If there is vritti in mind Brahman can never be realised through
chitta vritti. The whole sadana is about controlling the mind and making it

Now lets take the statement “Chaitanya/Brahman associated with the object,
ball in this case.“
In this statement the Brahman is associated with a ball (that means there
is two objects Brahman and ball)and giving identity to ball, if only
Brahman exists there can’t be separate identity to ball also identity of
ball  calls for acceptance of creation but Gowdapada in Mandukyakarika
clearly states there is nothing apart from Brahman and he has also rejected
all creation.

Now lets take another statement

“it does so along with Chaitanya/Brahman which remains veiled/concealed
(partially). This veiling needs to be removed for the object to be

In this case its stated that maya as veiled/concealed the Brahman and
veiling needs to be removed. Now if the veiling is removed the Brahman gets
identified (eg if a cat is covered with box and when box is opened cat gets
revealed and not box) and not ball because ball was never concealed it’s
always Brahman is concealed and ball is projected.

ಶುಕ್ರ, ಆಗ 28, 2020 ನಲ್ಲಿ 18:30 ರಂದು H S Chandramouli <
hschandramouli at gmail.com> ಅವರು ಹೀಗೆ ಬರೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ:

> On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 5:22 PM Bhaskara v Advaith via Advaita-l <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>> Namaste,
>> Tried to answer the question hope it’s satisfactory.
>> This question has two parts and lets try to answer part by part
>> Part1: how does maya project Brahman as illusory
>>            Maya has two properties which are avarana shakti and
>> Vikshepa shakti. Because of avarana shakti the maya covers
>> the Brahman and because of Vikshepa shakti maya makes
>> brahman to appear as something else. When a person is
>> cognising a object lets say person Rama sees a ball, even through ball is
>> brahman but because of maya it appears as ball for Rama. Now where does
>> maya operate for Rama to make  appear Brahman as ball, basically to
>> cognise
>> any object it will involves mind (for details refer Vedanta Paribasha:
>> Pratyaksha pramana) the mind (maya) covers the brahman and makes it to
>> appear as ball the buddi(Vignana maya kosha) recognises it has ball.
> Namaste.
> Sorry the entire understanding is, I think, incorrect. Reference back to
> Vedanta Paribhasha is certainly called for. The mental vritti actually is
> said to uncover, NOT cover, the Chaitanya/Brahman associated with the
> object, ball in this case. When the vikshepa shakti of mAyA projects the
> object, ball in this case, it does so along with Chaitanya/Brahman which
> remains veiled/concealed (partially). This veiling needs to be removed for
> the object to be cognized. This is done by the mental vritti.
> Regards
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Thanks & Regards
Bhaskar HV

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