[Advaita-l] Tattvabodha of Adi Sankaracharya - 10
H S Chandramouli
hschandramouli at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 08:05:17 EDT 2020
Aitareya Up 1-2-4
<< अग्निर्वाग्भूत्वा मुखं प्राविशद्वायुः प्राणो भूत्वा नासिके
प्राविशदादित्यश्चक्षुर्भूत्वाक्षिणी प्राविशद्दिशः श्रोत्रं भूत्वा कर्णौ
प्राविशन्नो >>
<< agnirvAgbhUtvA mukhaM prAvishadvAyuH prANo bhUtvA nAsike
prAvishadAdityashchakShurbhUtvAkShiNI prAvishaddishaH shrotraM bhUtvA
karNau prAvishanno........ >>
On Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 5:28 PM H S Chandramouli <hschandramouli at gmail.com>
> Raghav Ji,
> Namaste.
> Reg << Although these are upAsya as far as Vedanta is concerned, I was
> assuming there would be more details in the veda pUrva bhAga >>,
> Perhaps you can find their names and fields in the Kalpa Sutras as well as
> pUjA vidhIs wherein various deities are invoked in the beginning.
> Reg << What is the moola reference text for the list of adhidaivika
> devatAs mentioned in the tattva bodha treatise? It looks like a collection
> derived from multiple original vedic mantras or perhaps their derivatives
> such as the shrauta and grihya sutra meemAmsA texts >>,
> I agree. I am not aware of any single mantra or group of mantras at a
> single location wherein such a list finds a place.However they seem to be
> covered at different places. For example, Aitareya Up 1-2-4 mentions
> Agni,vAyu,Aditya and Dik dEvatAs as the presiding deities for organs of
> vAk (speech),ghrANa (smell),chakshus (sight) and shrOtra (hearing)
> respectively. I have not checked on the others. I presume it should be
> possible to locate them severally at different locations in the Shrutis.
> But such a compilation is available in a number of other granthas apart
> from Tatvabodha.
> Regards
> On Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 7:34 AM Raghav Kumar Dwivedula <
> raghavkumar00 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Namaste ji
>> Thank you for your mail sharing your understanding and the many
>> references from BUB and BSB , Chandramouli ji. I shall carefully study
>> them.
>> I generally think of how a country is governed by having different
>> provinces and districts etc with different administrators. And if we point
>> to some small particular piece of land and ask who is in charge, we just
>> assume it will fall in to one or the other jurisdictions. Sometimes I guess
>> we may not always have the exact details.
>> Even so every intelligent law or power or entity manifest in this jagat
>> will have to fall in to the 'jurisdiction' of one or the other of the 33
>> types of devata-s referred to in the veda.
>> Although these are upAsya as far as Vedanta is concerned, I was assuming
>> there would be more details in the veda pUrva bhAga.
>> What is the moola reference text for the list of adhidaivika devatAs
>> mentioned in the tattva bodha treatise? It looks like a collection derived
>> from multiple original vedic mantras or perhaps their derivatives such as
>> the shrauta and grihya sutra meemAmsA texts.
>> Thank you also to Subbuji for the vedic reference listing out
>> sequentially many of the devatAs and their adhibhautika correlates. I
>> especially noted Vishnu is mentioned somewhat differently in this mantra as
>> parvata devatA and yama as prithvi devatA as in " यमः पृथिव्या" वायुर्
>> अन्तरिक्षस्य सूर्यो दिवश् चन्द्रमा नक्षत्राणाम् बृहस्पतिर् ब्रह्मणो मित्रः
>> सत्यानां वरुणो ऽपाꣳ समुद्रः स्रोत्यानाम् अन्नꣳ साम्राज्यानाम् अधिपति तन्
>> मावतु सोम ओषधीनाꣳ सविता प्रसवानाꣳ* रुद्रः पशूनां त्वष्टा रूपाणां
>> "विष्णुः पर्वतानाम्"*
>> Om
>> Raghav
>> On Tue, 17 Mar, 2020, 7:11 PM H S Chandramouli, <hschandramouli at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Namaste Raghav Ji,
>>> Reg << 1. Can we talk of there being adhiSThAna devatAs for other
>>> entities
>>> encountered in vyavahAra?. Such as planet earth as a whole (prithvI
>>> devatA
>>> surely), hills and mountains (maybe himavAn or some parvata devatA?),
>>> viral
>>> diseases such as small pox, herpes zoster, nCov-19 etc., (maybe various
>>> female devata-s govern their arising and spreading as per the beliefs in
>>> vogue in indian folk traditions?)>>,
>>> There is an elaborate discussion on Devatas in BUB 3-9-1 to 3-9-18. Also
>>> BSB 1-3-26 to 1-3-33. Following is based on my broad understanding of the
>>> same.
>>> All aspects of Creation, covering adhyAtmika/adhibhautika/adhidaivika,
>>> are governed by adhiSThAna DevatAs. Though their number is countless, they
>>> are categorized into and considered as manifestations of thirty three
>>> entities, namely eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, twelve AdityAs, Indra and
>>> Prajapathi. This number is further compressed successively to
>>> six,three,two,one and a half, and one.
>>> Details concerning these 33/6/3/2/1.5/1 are covered in BUB referred
>>> above. You may like to refer to the Bhashya itself for details. The purpose
>>> of the discussion therein is not so much from the point of view of listing
>>> their roles, but rather from the point of view of upAsana. As you know,
>>> details concerning Creation per se is not given any importance in the
>>> Upanishads. Its importance is mostly from the standpoint of upAsana.
>>> Reg << 2. What about devatA-s for modern "discoveries" such as the
>>> power of
>>> gravity which is such a huge cosmic determinant of the way things are in
>>> this physical universe? Is there an adhidaivika aspect viz., a devata for
>>> gravity? >>,
>>> Surely yes. In fact the adhiSThAna devatA for apAna vAyu at the
>>> adhyAtmika level is Vishvasrushta as given in Laghu Vasudeva Mananam.The
>>> Devata for power of gravity is considered to be the same at the
>>> adhibhautika level though I do not recollect right now where I had come
>>> across this. The function of apAna vAyu is to " force down ".
>>> Reg << 3. If we examine the case of cosmic laws that govern the
>>> energetic functioning of all stars, then the Sun itself is just a small
>>> Star, one among billions. So can we assert that this vedic devatA revealed
>>> as "sUrya" is the wielder of the samaShTi power behind all stars which
>>> makes them function using fusion etc., the way they do, not only our Sun?
>>> >>,
>>> I think a reference to BUB I have mentioned above should clarify this.
>>> It may be worthwhile emphasizing once again what I have stated above,
>>> namely details concerning Creation per se is not given any importance in
>>> the Upanishads. Its importance is mostly from the standpoint of upAsana.
>>> Regards
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