[Advaita-l] 'What appears does not exist' - Shankara observes in the Gita Bhashya

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 02:31:52 EDT 2021

What appears does not exist  - Shankara observes in the Gita Bhashya

In the Bhagavadgita Bhashya, in two places, we come across this pithy
observation by Bhagavatpada:  That which appears does not really exist'.
The actual passages are given below.

At the end of the commentary for 2.16, Shankara summarizes the Vedantic
teaching of Bhagavan to Arjuna:  You too, just as the Jnanis, look upon the
transformations, the dualities such as cold and heat, as mere appearances
analogous to the mirage water'.

In the commentary to 13.26, he makes a similar observation: The kshetram,
world, like the elephant conjured up by a magician, an object seen in a
dream, a phantom city, etc, are actually non-existent but appear as though
they exist. The one with such a conviction, owing to his direct vision of
the Truth, transcends delusion.

1.    BGB 2.16    त्वमपि तत्त्वदर्शिनां दृष्टिमाश्रित्य शोकं मोहं च हित्वा
शीतोष्णादीनि  नियतानियतरूपाणि द्वन्द्वानि
*‘विकारोऽयमसन्नेव मरीचिजलवन्मिथ्यावभासते’*    इति मनसि निश्चित्य तितिक्षस्व
इत्यभिप्रायः ॥ १६ ॥
For him to say 'the transformations are mithya', the basis is the Chandogya
6th ch. passage: वाचारम्भणं विकारो नामधेयं मृत्तिकेत्येव सत्यम्  the
transformations (such as pot, saucer..) are mere names while the substance
in them, clay, alone is real.

2.  BGB 13.26      निरस्तसर्वोपाधिविशेषं ज्ञेयं ब्रह्मस्वरूपेण यः पश्यति,
क्षेत्रं च   मायानिर्मितहस्तिस्वप्नदृष्टवस्तुगन्धर्वनगरादिवत् *‘*
*असदेव सदिव अवभासते**’* इति एवं निश्चितविज्ञानः यः, तस्य
यथोक्तसम्यग्दर्शनविरोधात् अपगच्छति मिथ्याज्ञानम् ।

These passages are extremely useful for contemplation.  There could be
other similar observations too.


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