[Advaita-l] On Ramana
Ven Balakrishnan
ventzu at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jun 25 03:15:23 EDT 2021
Thank you Raghav-ji. Ramesam-ji also sent me a note highlighting this BG13.2, which I overlooked.
As I think you are suggesting, this comment by Sankara, should be read in the context of a long discussion of the field and the knower of the field; and that someone whose teaching / comments do not understand the distinction, as taught by traditional scriptures, is a fool. That seems to be to be a subtly different point than the way it has been used.
And, as others have said, Ramanamaharishi’s teaching does not seem at all confused with respect to this distinction.
Best wishes,
> On 25 Jun 2021, at 05:40, Raghav Kumar Dwivedula via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> Namaste Venkat ji
> He is referring to "असम्प्रदायवित् मूर्खवत् उपेक्षणीयः।" - (someone who is
> not sampradAya-vit i.e., a knower of the Advaita teaching tradition -
> should be ignored as a fool) - a well known phrase from shankara bhAShya.
> This is taken to mean a critique particularly of those who study the Vedas
> and yet do not understand or teach Advaita.
> It refers to those who despite studying the Vedas etc., teach that "I am a
> samsaari , a sukhI and a dukhI. Ishvara the kShetraGYA, is different from
> the body. He is the kShetraGYa and the kShetra or body is (always) his
> viShaya. I shall *do* sAxAtkAra of Ishvara by meditation and *become*
> established as Ishvara and become one with his svarUpa. Those who believe
> in such a process and teach others such an idea are ignorant of the Advaita
> sAmpradAya and are to be ignored like a fool even if they gave studied all
> the shAstras." (Rough translation).
> इदं च अन्यत् पाण्डित्यं केषाञ्चित् अस्तु — क्षेत्रज्ञः ईश्वर एव । क्षेत्रं
> च अन्यत् क्षेत्रज्ञस्यैव विषयः । अहं तु संसारी सुखी दुःखी च । संसारोपरमश्च
> मम कर्तव्यः क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञविज्ञानेन, ध्यानेन च ईश्वरं क्षेत्रज्ञं
> साक्षात्कृत्वा तत्स्वरूपावस्थानेनेति । यश्च एवं बुध्यते, यश्च बोधयति, नासौ
> क्षेत्रज्ञः इति । एवं मन्वानः यः सः पण्डितापशदः, संसारमोक्षयोः शास्त्रस्य च
> अर्थवत्त्वं करोमीति ; आत्महा स्वयं मूढः अन्यांश्च व्यामोहयति
> शास्त्रार्थसम्प्रदायरहितत्वात् , श्रुतहानिम् अश्रुतकल्पनां च कुर्वन् ।
> तस्मात् असम्प्रदायवित् सर्वशास्त्रविदपि मूर्खवदेव उपेक्षणीयः ॥ Gita 13.2
> bhAShya.
> As can be seen, the context is that some teachers talking of *doing*
> something like meditation etc., which leads to an event called *becoming*
> one with Ishvara. The current status of being a samsaari is regarded as an
> absolutely real status which needs to be ended by our efforts. The kShetra
> and kShetraGYA are different but equally real. Such is their dualistic view
> like in sAMkhya's purUSha and prakriti which are both real and by whose
> discrimination, one becomes established in one's true nature by the power
> of meditation. (The GYAna and karma difference and the lacking of
> understanding of vyAvahArika and pAramArthika orders of reality renders
> such vedic views outside the Advaita tradition although they accept the
> Vedas).
> The above powerful saying has in recent times been extended to other
> teachers who do needless nitpicking. But that's another story.
> Om
> Raghav
> On Fri, 25 Jun, 2021, 12:46 am Ven Balakrishnan via Advaita-l, <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>> Dear Bhaskar-ji,
>> Do you have a reference for the point that you make below? I don’t
>> recollect coming across that sort of comment.
>> Thank you,
>> venkat
>>> On 24 Jun 2021, at 18:18, Bhaskar YR via Advaita-l <
>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>>>> If the teaching is not traditional then that teaching and the teacher
>> should be ignored is the instruction of bhagavatpAda.
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