[Advaita-l] [advaitin] rAma-krishna-shiva-durga etc. are not same in shAstric vyavahAra!!!

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 01:21:38 EST 2023

Namaste Subrahmanian Ji.

Reg  various observations from different posts

<<  Bhashya for Br.Up. mantra 1.4.1:

 ज्ञानकर्मभ्यां समुच्चिताभ्यां प्रजापतित्वप्राप्तिर्व्याख्याता ;
केवलप्राणदर्शनेन च — ‘तद्धैतल्लोकजिदेव’ इत्यादिना । प्रजापतेः फलभूतस्य
सृष्टिस्थितिसंहारेषु जगतः स्वातन्त्र्यादिविभूत्युपवर्णनेन
ज्ञानकर्मणोर्वैदिकयोः फलोत्कर्षो वर्णयितव्य इत्येवमर्थमारभ्यते । तेन च
कर्मकाण्डविहितज्ञानकर्मस्तुतिः कृता भवेत्सामर्थ्यात् । >>,

  <<  In order to be in line with the Br.Up. Bhashya on Prajapati that we
have discussed, his having the capacity to create, sustain, destroy,
independently  >>,

<<  Hiranyagarbha, the Lord of that 14th loka, where
saguna upasaka's go for krama mukti, is stated by Shankara in that Br.Up.
bhashya as the one who is independently capable of creation, etc. This H is
someone who has attained that status through upasana, and in that section
alone Shankara says about his capacity  >>,

The context of the Bhashya cited above is the sambanda between the three
preceding BrAhmaNAs of BU, dealing with jnAna karma samucchaya sAdhanAs,
and the succeeding BrahmaNAs dealing with jnAna. Creation requires
extraordinary knowledge concerning the same and associated ability to
recreate using such knowledge. The sAdhanAs prescribed in the three
preceding BrAhmaNAs enable the sAdhaka to achieve such a level of knowledge
and capability on his own. He does not need any other help in such an
activity. That is stated to be his **स्वातन्त्र्या (independence)**. It is
glorification of the sAdhanAs , considering that  they  lead to such
**independent** capability. It is only Isvara, through such an
intermediary,  creates the universe.

However it is also intended to convey the limitations of such sAdhanAs. The
highest benefits resulting from the same, mentioned by the term  **
स्वातन्त्र्या (independence)** is still within the realms of samsAra  only,
with all its limitations highlighted elsewhere. They cannot lead to mOksha.
For that, jnAna is the only solution, which forms the subject matter of
succeeding BrAhmaNAs. This is the tAtparya of the sambanda bhAshya here.

Reg  <<  That in Advaita the saguna brahma upasakas go to Brahma loka which
is called Hiranyagarbha loka.  It is here, I understand from the wordings
of the last section of the Brahma sutra bhashya that the upasakas, having
become muktas there, attain 'Ishvara saayujyam' as Shankara says.  And this
'Ishwara' has to be this head of this loka: the
Prajapati/Hiranyagarbha/VirAt  >>,

My understanding is different. The upAsakAs, who gain jnAna in this lOka
and become muktAs, enjoy all the benefits enjoyed by
Prajapati/Hiranyagarbha/VirAt except the power relating to Creation. This
is my understanding.

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