[Advaita-l] *A Rare teaching of Advaita by Balarama - Srimad Bhagavatam*

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 12:35:54 EDT 2024

In the Bhagavata, there's an episode where Krishna rescues Rukmini from
marrying Shishupala. This leads to a war, and here Balarama gives a short
speech on Vedanta, addressing Rukmini and Krishna:
The main points, which are accepted only in Advaita, are:
1. The same supreme principle is the Atman of everyone. But due to
ignorance, people perceive it as innumerable separate entities. An example
for this: Like the moon's light/reflection in many water bodies, or like
the ether constricted in pots.
2. That dreams are not real is accepted only in Advaita. In other schools,
contrary to this, they argue that dreams are real.
3. Everything visible is perceived only by the light of the Self.
Therefore, it has only dependent reality. Independent reality belongs only
to the Self. Hence, the perceived is illusory. The only example that can be
given for dependent reality is: the snake appearing in a rope.
These three very important Advaita doctrinal points are clearly evident in
this part of the Bhagavata.
The essence of Sridhara Swami's commentary is given below.
श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणम्/स्कन्धः १०/उत्तरार्धः/अध्यायः ५४
एक एव परो ह्यात्मा सर्वेषामपि देहिनाम्।
नानेव गृह्यते मूढैर्यथा ज्योतिर्यथा नभः ४४।
देह आद्यन्तवानेष द्रव्यप्राणगुणात्मकः।
आत्मन्यविद्यया कॢप्तः संसारयति देहिनम् ४५।
नात्मनोऽन्येन संयोगो वियोगश्च स्तः सति।
तद्धेतुत्वात्तत्प्रसिद्धेर्दृग्रूपाभ्यां यथा रवेः ४६।
जन्मादयस्तु देहस्य विक्रिया नात्मनः क्वचित्।
कलानामिव नैवेन्दोर्मृतिर्ह्यस्य कुहूरिव ४७।
यथा शयान आत्मानं विषयान्फलमेव च।
अनुभुङ्क्तेऽप्यसत्यर्थे तथाप्नोत्यबुधो भवम् ४८।
तस्मादज्ञानजं शोकमात्मशोषविमोहनम्।
तत्त्वज्ञानेन निर्हृत्य स्वस्था भव शुचिस्मिते ४९।
This section explains the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta. The main points
1. Ultimate reality is singular and pure consciousness.
2. Although the Atman is pure and infinite, it appears limited due to the
conditioning of the body, senses, and attributes.
3. The Atman has no real connection with physical elements, as they are
4. The physical world is illuminated by the Atman but has no independent
5. Birth, death, etc. are related to the body, not the Atman.
6. Due to ignorance, an individual considers himself as the
enjoyer/experiencer, but this is an illusion like a dream.
This explanation analyzes the relationship between the Atman and the
physical world, as well as the nature of reality.
Om Tat Sat

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