[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Asked of Chatgpt: "Are there any definitions or descriptions that depict a positive ignorance in Sankara's commentary on the Brahma Sutras or classic 10 Upanishads whether in context or otherwise?

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Thu Jul 4 03:46:03 EDT 2024

What is the common experience of everyone? Does the moola avidya differ from avidya of the rope?

praNAms Sri Sada prabhuji
Hare Krishna

According to some,  getting rid of avidyA about rope is just an eradication of tUlAvidyA that does not guarantee the ‘complete’ eradication of mUlAvidyA, this partial avidyA after the dawn of jnAna gets merged in mUlAvidyA 😊 To further clarify, in the above rope-snake analogy, the delutions of the type of rope appearing as snake that occur to us are verily the kArya or the product of mUlAvidyA, avidyA does not get destroyed by jnAna of rope, then at that time (bhrAntinirasana jnAna) the snake get the status of laya (will be merged) in their cause (kAraNa) of mUlAvidyA, that is all 😊

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

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