[Advaita-l] [advaitin] 'The Jiva is Mithya' - an article in English
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 12:55:40 EST 2024
Thanks Chandramouli ji, for the relevant verses. Do you have a searchable
Upadeshasaahasri text?
On Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 8:14 PM H S Chandramouli <hschandramouli at gmail.com>
> Namaste.
> On Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 9:50 AM V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> // Namaste All,
> I remember reading in the Upadeshasahasri a considerably lengthy
> discussion where the unreality of the pratibimba, reflection, has been
> stated. It would be of help if someone brings that part out here //,
> Copying below relevant portion from Upadeshasahasri, metric part, Chapter
> 18, “ Thou Art That”.
> मुखादन्यो मुखाभासो यथादर्शाचुकारतः |
> आभासार्मुखमप्येवमादक्शननुवतेनात् ॥ ३२ ॥
> भर्हृकृयात्मनिर्भासो मुखाभासवदिष्यते |
> मुखवत्स्प्रत आत्मान्योऽवि विक्त तौ तथेव च ॥ ३३ ॥
> 32, 33. As it imitates the mirror the reflection of a face is different
> from the face. The face which does not depend on the mirror (for its
> existence) is also different (Note 1) from its reflection. Similarly, the
> reflection of the Self in the ego is also regarded (as different from the
> pure Self) like that of the face which is different from the face. The pure
> Self is considered to be different from Its reflection like the face (which
> is different from its own). In fact, however, the Self and Its reflection
> are free (Note 2) from real distinction between each other like the face
> and its reflection (Note 3).
> Note 1 ;; As a matter of fact it is the real face reflected in a mirror
> and acquiring, as it were, the quality of being in it and possessing its
> properties that is called the reflection. The reflection cannot be real,
> because it is not always in the mirror; nor can it be called absolutely
> unreal, because it is sometimes seen there. Therefore, the reflection is
> indescribable and the face is different from it.
> Note 2 ;; Though there is an apparent distinction there is not a real one
> between the Self and Its reflection nor between the Self and the intellect.
> For as a matter of fact neither the reflection nor the intellect has an
> existence independent of the Self. The conclusion is that Pure
> Consciousness, reflected in Ignorance and the ego etc., its modifications,
> is regarded as the individual experiencing transmigratory existence owing
> to a nondiscrimination between Itself and Its reflection.
> Note 3 ;; Which has an existence dependent on that of the face.
> मात्माभासाश्चयाश्चेवं मुखाभासाश्रया यथा |
> गम्यन्ते राल्नयुक्तिभ्यामाभासासस्वमेव च ॥ ४३ ॥
> 43. The Self, Its reflection and the seat of the reflection, (i.e., the
> intellect) are comparable to the face, its reflection and the mirror. The
> unreality of the reflection is known from the scriptures and reasoning.
> Regards
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