[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Rudra the Para Brahman of the Shvetashvataropanishat
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Mon Jan 13 04:16:26 EST 2025
Hare Krishna
This ‘galAte’ (squabble) is often witnessed between rudra-vishNu or shiva-vishNu only, we don’t often see this type of argument when devi is worshipped as para brahma svarUpiNi or some feminine realized soul says : ahaM rudra, nArAyaNa dashAkruti ( dashAvatAra) emanated from the finger nail tip of the devi (karAnguli nakhOtpanna nArAyaNa dashAkrutiH) or when gaNesha or sUrya has been addressed as tvameva pratyakshaM brahma (sAkshAt brahma) etc. But we have lot of points to argue nArAyaNAt rudrO jAyate etc. why it is like this?? Is this because in hindu pantheon these two are most adored celebrities !!?? 😊
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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