[Advaita-l] (no subject)
Sudhanshu Shekhar
sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 03:43:28 EDT 2025
Samkshepa ShArIraka is a profound work by SarvajnAtma muni and is extremely
revered in advaita sampradAya. The colossal figures like MadhusUdana
Saraswati and NrisimhAshrama have written illuminating commentaries on SS.
The shlOkAs of SS not only reveal the deep concepts, they are also very
lyrical. I particularly like the pramitAksharA chhanda (प्रमिताक्षरा छन्द)
which one can easily sing.
I would like to share 3-4 shlokAs which have just stuck to me for last 3-4
months. These are extremely insightful and conceptually fundamental. And on
top of that, one can sing them.
तव गाढमूढतमसा रचितं जगदीशजीववपुषा सकलम्। प्रतिभाति तावददृढं दृढवत् समुदेति
This prapancha in the form of world, Ishwara and jIva is constructed by
your dense, dark, deluding ignorance. While it is extremely fragile, it
appears as solid and firm only so long as the sun of jnAna does not appear.
तव चित्तमात्मतमसा जनितं परिकल्प्यत्यखिलमेव जगत्। तव कल्पनाविरचितः स
गुरुस्तव रूपमद्वयमुदाहरति॥२२५॥
Your mind is born from ignorance of Atma. And your mind imagines this
entire world. Guru, who is also constructed by your imagination, will
explain/teach/make you see your own non-dual nature.
न हि चित्तदृश्यमपि सत्यमिति प्रतिपन्नमस्ति भुवि किञ्चिदपि। रशनाभुजङ्गसदृशं
सकलं जगदिन्द्रजालमिति सिद्धमतः॥२२६॥
In this world, nothing whatsoever which is chitta-drishya (object of mind)
can be satya. This entire world is like snake in the rope. And therefore,
it is proved that it is illusory.
परिकल्पितोऽपि सकलज्ञतया गुरुरेव पूर्णमवबोधयति। परिकल्पितोऽपि मरणाय भवेदुरगो
यथा न तु नभो मलिनम्॥२२७॥
The guru, though imagined, is imagined as an omniscient person. And hence
he alone explains the complete (Brahman) to you. Despite being imagined, it
is only the imagined snake which causes death and not the impurity of the
Just to get an idea as to how to sing the shlOkAs, I have recorded these.
It can be heard at
Sudhanshu Shekhar.
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