[Advaita-l] (no subject)
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 04:03:59 EDT 2025
Dear Sudhanshu ji,
Please share more, whenever you notice such verses. Thanks.
On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 1:13 PM Sudhanshu Shekhar via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> Namaste,
> Samkshepa ShArIraka is a profound work by SarvajnAtma muni and is extremely
> revered in advaita sampradAya. The colossal figures like MadhusUdana
> Saraswati and NrisimhAshrama have written illuminating commentaries on SS.
> The shlOkAs of SS not only reveal the deep concepts, they are also very
> lyrical. I particularly like the pramitAksharA chhanda (प्रमिताक्षरा छन्द)
> which one can easily sing.
> I would like to share 3-4 shlokAs which have just stuck to me for last 3-4
> months. These are extremely insightful and conceptually fundamental. And on
> top of that, one can sing them.
> तव गाढमूढतमसा रचितं जगदीशजीववपुषा सकलम्। प्रतिभाति तावददृढं दृढवत् समुदेति
> यावदवबोधरविः॥२२२॥
> This prapancha in the form of world, Ishwara and jIva is constructed by
> your dense, dark, deluding ignorance. While it is extremely fragile, it
> appears as solid and firm only so long as the sun of jnAna does not appear.
> तव चित्तमात्मतमसा जनितं परिकल्प्यत्यखिलमेव जगत्। तव कल्पनाविरचितः स
> गुरुस्तव रूपमद्वयमुदाहरति॥२२५॥
> Your mind is born from ignorance of Atma. And your mind imagines this
> entire world. Guru, who is also constructed by your imagination, will
> explain/teach/make you see your own non-dual nature.
> न हि चित्तदृश्यमपि सत्यमिति प्रतिपन्नमस्ति भुवि किञ्चिदपि। रशनाभुजङ्गसदृशं
> सकलं जगदिन्द्रजालमिति सिद्धमतः॥२२६॥
> In this world, nothing whatsoever which is chitta-drishya (object of mind)
> can be satya. This entire world is like snake in the rope. And therefore,
> it is proved that it is illusory.
> परिकल्पितोऽपि सकलज्ञतया गुरुरेव पूर्णमवबोधयति। परिकल्पितोऽपि मरणाय भवेदुरगो
> यथा न तु नभो मलिनम्॥२२७॥
> The guru, though imagined, is imagined as an omniscient person. And hence
> he alone explains the complete (Brahman) to you. Despite being imagined, it
> is only the imagined snake which causes death and not the impurity of the
> sky!!
> Just to get an idea as to how to sing the shlOkAs, I have recorded these.
> It can be heard at
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8hddnubwqt1jnyhiyllxq/Voice-250311_130800.m4a?rlkey=2zg19rabx7fg3hkz19v3fgcss&st=q0bpgidq&dl=0
> Regards,
> Sudhanshu Shekhar.
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