[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Quotes from samkshepa shaareeraka

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Tue Mar 11 05:55:37 EDT 2025

praNAms Sri Sudhanshu prabhuji
Hare Krishna

With your permission I have given some subject heading along with some quick observation from my side.  Hope it is OK with you 😊

तव गाढमूढतमसा रचितं जगदीशजीववपुषा सकलम्। प्रतिभाति तावददृढं दृढवत् समुदेति यावदवबोधरविः॥२२२॥

This prapancha in the form of world, Ishwara and jIva is constructed by your dense, dark, deluding ignorance. While it is extremely fragile, it appears as solid and firm only so long as the sun of jnAna does not appear.

  *   As per shankara / gaudapAda IshwarAnugraha is must even to get Advaita vAsana and he is mOksha pradAta / jnAna pradAta.  He is not our fanciful mental construction.  After the dawn of jnAna jnAni realizes that IshAvAsyaM idam sarvaM not that in the post realization period jnAni would think that Ishwara is the strawman constructed foolishly by me during my dense, dark and deluding ignorance period.  I am afraid the above observation is at best definitely an atheistic statement.  Does the commentator here implying for the paramArtha jnAni there is no Ishwara and he is mere mental product during ajnAna period and a big zero !!??  Kindly note shankara bhagavatpAda is NOT a dry logician he is a saint par excellence.  By the way how MS treated all these statements being himself a great Krishna bhakta??

तव चित्तमात्मतमसा जनितं परिकल्प्यत्यखिलमेव जगत्। तव कल्पनाविरचितः स गुरुस्तव रूपमद्वयमुदाहरति॥२२५॥

Your mind is born from ignorance of Atma. And your mind imagines this entire world. Guru, who is also constructed by your imagination, will explain/teach/make you see your own non-dual nature.

  *   Buddhisam / vijnAnavAda at its best here.  If the entire world is mere mental construction of an ajnAni, then more than half of the shruti verdicts should be thrown out of window as useless and it is talking nonsense.  Atleast  vyAkhyAnakAra here could have given the room to think about world differently based on adhikAra bedha…It seems he is not doing it.

न हि चित्तदृश्यमपि सत्यमिति प्रतिपन्नमस्ति भुवि किञ्चिदपि। रशनाभुजङ्गसदृशं सकलं जगदिन्द्रजालमिति सिद्धमतः॥२२६॥

In this world, nothing whatsoever which is chitta-drishya (object of mind) can be satya.

  *   Yes, it is mere chitta drushya, a perception of qualified/conditioned mind

This entire world is like snake in the rope.

  *   Not so, bhAshyakAra clarifies this by using the same analogy (rajju-sarpa) in chAndOgya.

And therefore, it is proved that it is illusory.

  *   Shankara’s Advaita is NOT bhrAntivAda.

परिकल्पितोऽपि सकलज्ञतया गुरुरेव पूर्णमवबोधयति। परिकल्पितोऽपि मरणाय भवेदुरगो यथा न तु नभो मलिनम्॥२२७॥

The guru, though imagined, is imagined as an omniscient person.

  *   So omniscience of Ishwara / guru, guru as a person etc.is  just my conditioned mind’s imagination and I know that treating my guru as an omniscient is just my imagination / a product of ajnAna 😊

And hence he alone explains the complete (Brahman) to you.

  *   Why we should not think that the above statement / (wrong) conclusion is just another stretch of my imagination !!??  do you have any valid reason to give any reality to this statement ??

Despite being imagined, it is only the imagined snake which causes death and not the impurity of the sky!!

Ø     Again how you are giving any validity to these statements when each and every thing is just your conditioned mental construction??

Just to get an idea as to how to sing the shlOkAs, I have recorded these. It can be heard at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8hddnubwqt1jnyhiyllxq/Voice-250311_130800.m4a?rlkey=2zg19rabx7fg3hkz19v3fgcss&st=q0bpgidq&dl=0

Ø     In the imaginary world, imaginary person called Sri SudhAnsnu singing the song of imaginary vyAkhyAnakAra’s shloka-s and asking his imaginary world/listeners  to listen to it 😊 No offence is intended but this is what you get when shankara’s parishuddha Advaita projected in the light of imaginary Ishwara/guru/world 😊

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

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