[Advaita-l] Could anyone explain what is 3, 3, 9 in this Telugu short video?

Raghav Kumar Dwivedula raghavkumar00 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 21:36:10 EDT 2025

Thank you Raghav ji
Your explanation was quite complete and even more clear than what was
evident from the song.


On Sat, 15 Mar 2025 at 11:01 PM, Raghav K via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Namaste Subbu ji,
> the three things Annamacharya is talking about are tattva, hita and
> purushartha, each of which are again threefold in Vedanta.
> The three tattvas are as told in bhokta, bhogyam, preritAram cha matvA,
> sarvam proktam trividham brahmam etat
> jivuni swarupamu (bhokta) - the nature of jiva
> devuni vaibhavamu (preritAram) - the glory of Lord Venkateshwara
> prakruti sampada (bhogyam) - the vast expanse of God's creation
> bhavinchi = by meditating on these three
> erugute  and knowing these three
> and then hitam - is of three kinds -
> tanalOni vi*jnAna*mu tappakunda talabosi = jnAna yoga
> *pan*itOda nanduvalla bhakti nilipi  - karma yoga (pani = work),
> manikigA vairAgyamu maruvakundutaye - bhakti/vairagya possessing vairAgya /
> karma-phala-tyAga
> by doing one's acts filled with knowledge, eventually one will attain to
> the state of bhakti - remembering Shankaracharya's preface to his gita
> bhAshyam: moksha is obtained through jnana-nishta which is obtained through
> the purification of mind that is a result of practicing varnasrama karmas
> with bhagavad arpana buddhi.
> mere practice of varnasrama karmas will lead the practitioner to the region
> of the devas - devAdi sthAna prApti hetur api, however, *isvara-arpaNa
> buddhyA *anushtiyamAnah sattva suddhaye bhavati, phala-abhisandhi-varjitah.
> He says when you practice them with ishwara-arpana buddhi, first
> purification of mind happens.
> Then shuddha sattvasya cha jnAna nishtA yogyatA prApti dvAreNa - once a
> pure mind is obtained, one becomes eligible for jnAna nishta
> jnAna prApti hetutvena cha nisreyasa hetutvam api pratipadyate - then one
> can gain jnAna nishta and through that moksha.
> purushArtham
> acharya vishwasam = placing faith in acharya is the first goal for an
> aspirant - as told in tad viddhi pranipAtena, pari-prashnena sevayA,/ tad
> vijnAnArtham sa gurum eva abhigachhet, etc.
> jAdala saranAgati sAdhanamuto = by surrendering to the acharya and to the
> Lord as told in mumukshur vai sharanam aham prapadye/ mAm ekam sharanam
> vraja
> kudi sri-venkatesu golichi dAsudavute = worshipping Lord Venkateswara and
> becoming His eternal servant.
> this is the meaning of 3X3 = 9. This is the BrahmAnanda vedanta rahasyamu -
> the confidential knowledge for attaining Brahmananda told in the Vedanta.
> Kind regards,
> Raghav
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2025 at 11:53 AM V Subrahmanian via Advaita-l <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> > https://youtube.com/shorts/-oB9CuTB-G4?si=VK5dOWhG_f8WxEgW
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