[Advaita-l] KaushItakI Upanishad 3.3
Sudhanshu Shekhar
sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 00:05:40 EDT 2025
In KaushItakI Upanishad 3.3 (KaushItakiBrAhmaNopanishad 4.19), the mantra
says -
‘यदा सुप्तः स्वप्नं न कञ्चन पश्यत्यथास्मिन्प्राण एवैकधा भवति तदैनं
वाक्सर्वैर्नामभिः सहाप्येति चक्षुः सर्वै रूपैः सहाप्येति श्रोत्रं सर्वैः
शब्दैः सहाप्येति मनः सर्वैर्ध्यानैः सहाप्येति स यदा प्रतिबुध्यते
यथाग्नेर्ज्वलतः सर्वा दिशो विस्फुलिङ्गा विप्रतिष्ठेरन्नेवमेवैतस्मादात्मनः
सर्वे प्राणा यथायतनं विप्रतिष्ठन्ते प्राणेभ्यो देवा देवेभ्यो लोकाः’
Here, the Shruti says that during sushupti:
1. VAk, along with all names, becomes one with It.
2. Chakshu, along with all forms, becomes one with It.
3. ShrOtra, along with all shabda, becomes one with It.
4. Mind, along with all thoughts, becomes one with It.
Again when one wakes up, everything is born from AtmA, just as sparks are
born from fire.
Here, the following questions arise:
1. Do "all names", "all forms" merge during "my" sushupti? Does, the
Himalayas, the White House merge?
2. Do "all shabda" merge during "my" sushupti?
Sudhanshu Shekhar.
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