Giri gmadras at ENGR.UCDAVIS.EDU
Tue Nov 19 00:24:13 CST 1996

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Nov 1996, Giri wrote:
> > unless it is someone's prarabdha that one take sanyas, it will not
> > happen. And it is his prarabdha that he take sanyas, then the question
> > 'Should I take sanyas' will not arise.
> On what basis does he say this?  Jnana is not produced by karma, prabadha
> or otherwise.  The taking of sannyas cannot always be the inevitable
> result of some previous action.

Produced below are excerpts from the talk on 29th sep. 1936

D : Can i engage in spiritual practice, even remaining in samsara ?
M: Yes, certainly. One ought to do so.
D : Is not samsara a hindrance ? Do not all holy books advocate
renunciation ?
M: Samsara is only in your mind ....Renunciation is non-identification of
the Self with the non-self. On the disappearance of ignorance the
non-self ceases to exist. That is true renunciation.
D: Why did you then leave your home in your youth ?
M: That is my prarabdha. One's course of conduct in life is determined by
one's prarabdha. My prarabdha in this way. Your prarabdha is this way.
D: Should I not also renounce ?
M: If that had been your prarabdha, the question would not have arisen.

> >         Since the jnana marga is restricted to a few, isn't the path of
> > sharangati (surrender) much easier and open to everyone irrespective of
> > caste, gender etc, according to advaita (and Bhagavad gita) ?
> It is not neccessarily easier as there is a danger of becoming attached to
> the saguna ishvara.  Still it is a worthy path to follow.

        However, if one is attached to the saguna ishvara, then is still
hope of krama-mukti.



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