[Advaita-l] Fw:

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 05:39:34 EST 2019

Namaste Raghav Ji,

Reg  << No doubt, the different prakriyAs do lead to the same ultimate
GYAna-vRtti? >>,

The prakriya should be in conformity with the Shrutis. We understand the
Shrutis  in accordance with the Bhashya. Hence the prakriya  should be in
conformity with the Bhashya.  So it depends upon which of the prakriyas you
admit to be in accordance with the Bhashya, whether  SDV or DSV (EJV or
multijIva). Even amongst SDV, which ones you admit to be in accordance with
the Bhashya. There could be divergent views.


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On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 10:39 AM Raghav Kumar Dwivedula <
raghavkumar00 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for sharing that, Chandramouli ji.
> Once the sRShTi prakriyA itself, whichbis the basic model of all that
> exists,, is itself different, can we say that there will be many
> ramifications. Because the whole 'worldview' is quite different in say SDV
> and DSV, for example. That leads to many different explanations downstream
> regarding all the evolutes. No doubt, the different prakriyAs do lead to
> the same ultimate GYAna-vRtti? Even the mahAvAkya is taught through a
> different approach in SDV and DSV, but both accomplish the same result.
> Om
> On Mon 28 Jan, 2019, 7:31 PM H S Chandramouli <hschandramouli at gmail.com
> wrote:
>> Namaste.
>> The relevant verse (quoted by Sri Raghav Ji)  is BUBV 1-4-402.
>> << यया यया भवेत्पुंसा॔ व्युत्पत्तिः प्रत्यगात्मनि॥
>> सा सैव प्रक्रियेह स्यात्साध्वी सा चानवस्थिता । >>
>> << yayA yayA bhavetpuMsA॔ vyutpattiH pratyagAtmani||
>> sA saiva prakriyeha syAtsAdhvI sA chAnavasthitA | >>.
>> The context is Srishti prakriyas, various versions concerning
>>  methodology of Creation. What the verse states is that the various
>> versions mentioned in the Shrutis are meant to cater to different
>> adhikArIs. Commentary of Acharya Anandagiri clarifies this.
>> << एवम् सृश्टिविप्रतिपत्तौ कीदृशी सृश्टिरेश्टव्येत्याशङ्क्याऽऽह I *ययेति*
>> । इहेति श्रौतमार्गोक्तिः । साध्वीति फलवत्वकथनम् । व्यवस्थिता तर्हि
>> सेत्याशङ्क्याधिकारिबुद्दितारतम्यान्नैवमित्याह । *सा* *चेति*  । >>
>> << evam sRRishTivipratipattau kIdRRishI
>> sRRishTireshTavyetyAsha~NkyA.a.aha I *yayeti* | iheti shrautamArgoktiH |
>> sAdhvIti phalavatvakathanam | vyavasthitA tarhi
>> setyAsha~NkyAdhikAribudditAratamyAnnaivamityAha | *sA cheti*  | >>
>> Of course it is another matter that this verse is extended, many times
>> indiscriminately in my view, to unintended contexts, as is well known.
>> Regards
>> On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 2:07 PM Raghav Kumar Dwivedula via Advaita-l <
>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>>> Namaste
>>> This is the well-known verse.
>>> yayA yayA bhavetpuMso vyutpattih pratyagAtmani
>>> sA sAiva prakriyA jneyA sAdhvI sA chAnavasthitA |
>>> This is from brihadAraNyaka bhAShya vArttikam by Sri Sureshvaracharya
>>> By whatever prakriyA (teaching method), the student obtains knowledge
>>> of the Innermost (Non-dual) Self,
>>>  that method is to be regarded as sound
>>> Such valid means of conveying Advaitic knowledge are innumerable.
>>> On Mon 28 Jan, 2019, 12:37 PM Dilip Loundo via Advaita-l <
>>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org wrote:
>>> > ________________________________
>>> > From: Dilip Loundo
>>> > Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 5:05:20 AM
>>> > To: advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
>>> > Subject:
>>> >
>>> > Dear All,
>>> >
>>> > In his text "Points of difference between BhAmati and VivaraNam",
>>> > S.N.Sastri
>>> > quotes the following sentence of Sureshvaracharya:
>>> > “By whatever method the knowledge of the indwelling self can be
>>> > attained by men, that method is valid; and such methods are
>>> > innumerable”.
>>> >
>>> > Can anyone tell me the exact work from where that quotation from
>>> > Sureshvaracharya is taken?
>>> >
>>> > Thanking you,
>>> > Prof. Dilip Loundo
>>> > Brazil
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