[Advaita-l] Fwd: [advaitin] Yet another Mahavakya in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 07:39:21 EDT 2021


In my previous post please make the following correction.

For      << On expiation of the prarabdha karma.., jnAna automatically
rises without any other act, whether sadhana or recollection  >>.

Read     << On expiation of the prarabdha karma, jnAna which had already
risen earlier manifests without any further act, whether sAdhana or
recollection >>

This clarifies my understanding.


On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 4:54 PM H S Chandramouli <hschandramouli at gmail.com>

> Namaste.
> Reg  <<  One example comes to my mind : vAmadeva realized in his mother's
> womb.  How can it be possible with doing the shravaNAdi sAdhana in his
> previous janma??  Even though it is not mentioned that he recollected the
> sharuti vAkya shravaNAdi sAdhana which he did in his previous janma, it is
> to be understood that sAdhana would fructify over a period of time when the
> time is ripe and more importantly without any effort in the current janma
> towards that jnana  >>,
> I expected this much earlier during the course of his thread. What I am
> stating below is something I stumbled across very recently and is based on
> the following
> BSB  3-4-51
> <<  ऐहिकमप्यप्रस्तुतप्रतिबन्धे तद्दर्शनात् ॥ ५१ ॥  >>
> <<  aihikamapyaprastutapratibandhe taddarshanAt || 51 ||  >>
> For those who can follow tamil, following talk on this Sutra by Sri Mani
> Dravid Shastriji could be useful
> <<
> https://www.centreforbrahmavidya.org/acharyas/dr-mani-dravid-sastri/brahma-sutra-bhashya-0507-sutra-03-04-51-to-52.html?filter=dr-mani-dravid-sastri%27s-brahma-sutra--bhashya-classes--adhyaya-3-pada-4&back=/acharyas/sri-shankara-bhagavatpada.html
> >>
> Bhashya  specifically mentions the case of  Sage Vamadeva.
> Panchadashi, Ch 9, DhyAna DIpa, Verse  45
>       << आगामिप्रतिबन्धश्च  वामदेवे  समीरितः ।
> एकेन  जन्मना  क्षीणो,  भरतस्य त्रिजन्मभिः ॥  >>
>      <<  AgAmipratibandhashcha  vAmadeve  samIritaH |
> ekena  janmanA  kShINo,  bharatasya trijanmabhiH ||  >>
> Translation by Swami Rama ;; <<  The future impediment has been well
> illustrated in the case of Vamadeva. He overcame it in one birth and
> Bharata in three births  >>
> For those who follow tamil, following talk by Swami Guruparananda could be
> of use
> <<
> https://archive.org/details/PanchadasiChapter09/PD_09_Panchadasi_Chap_IX.mp3
> >>  ( Talk 9 ).
> It may be relevant to point out here that Swami Vidyaranya mentions in
> verse 38 that he is citing here certain verses from the Vartika of Swami
> Sureswaracharya on the nature of pratibandha for rise of jnAna. It is
> mentioned by Commentators that verses 39 to 45 are from the Vartika. Hence
> the validity of what is cited in Panchadashi by Swami Vidyaranya extends to
> the Vartika of Swami Sureswaracharya himself. I was able to trace verses 39
> and 40 to Sambandavartika verses 294 and 295. But I was not able to link
> the other five verses.
> My understanding of the gist of the teachings in the above, as relevant to
> the topic in this thread, is as follows.
> In some exceptional cases, when all conditions are ripe for the rise of
> knowledge without any of the pratibandhas and  the sadhaka hears the
> mahAvAkya from a Guru, certain prarabdha karma could already have arisen
> which calls for rebirth to fulfil the same. This is termed AgAmi
> Pratibandha by Swami Vidyaranya/Swami Sureswaracharya. Under such
> circumstances, the prarabdha karma obstructs the rise of jnAna till such
> time as the prarabdha karma is expiated. On expiation of the prarabdha
> karma.., jnAna automatically rises without any other act, whether sadhana
> or recollection. It is not due to samskAra. It is jnAna itself.
> Vichara Sagara gives an illustration in a very similar but slightly
> different context. In my understanding that illustration is more valid in
> the above context. A hot iron ball should normally burn the hand holding
> it. But this burning of the hand is prevented by the nearby presence of a
> special type of Gem called ChandrakAnta maNi. As soon as the Gem is
> removed, the hand burns without any other action. Similar is the case in
> the rise of jnAna as above.
> Having come across this, I am tempted to believe the same to be applicable
> in respect of Sri Ramana Maharshi as well.
> Regards
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 1:45 PM Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com>
> wrote:
>> praNAms
>> Hare Krishna
>> One example comes to my mind : vAmadeva realized in his mother's womb.
>> How can it be possible with doing the shravaNAdi sAdhana in his previous
>> janma??  Even though it is not mentioned that he recollected the sharuti
>> vAkya shravaNAdi sAdhana which he did in his previous janma, it is to be
>> understood that sAdhana would fructify over a period of time when the time
>> is ripe and more importantly without any effort in the current janma
>> towards that jnana.  It is a possibility in some special cases like ramaNa
>> who all of a sudden realized the secret of death without formal education (
>> mahAvAkya shravaNAdi sAdhana in particular)in shAstra-s.
>> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
>> bhaskar

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